Classes that use the Colt package to generate random numbers.

Colt is an "Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing in Java"
These classes use the Colt library from

$PTII/lib/ptcolt.jar is a subset of the Colt classes necessary to compile these classes. Usually, you need only add $PTII/lib/ptcolt.jar to your classpath by running

cd $PTII
rm config.*; ./configure

Note that if configure finds colt.jar then configure will put colt.jar in front of ptcolt.jar in the classpath. $PTII/lib/ptcolt.jar includes an updated RngPack1.1a, which includes fixes to "fixes a number of serious bugs in RngPack 1.0 including an incorrect coefficient in the Ranecu implementation and fixes an off-by-one error in the choice() method." Colt-1.0.3 shipped with RngPack1.0, we recommend using ptcolt.jar, which includes RngPack1.1a.

If you want to work with the full version of Colt, download Colt and unjar so that $PTII/vendors/misc/colt/colt.jar is created:

cd $PTII/vendors/misc
mkdir colt
jar -xf /tmp/
The rerun configure:
cd $PTII
rm config.*; ./configure
and run make in this directory
cd $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/colt

@author David Bauer, Kostas Oikonomou, and Edward A. Lee @since Ptolemy II 4.1