
The bouncingBall implements the following equation: with start values h=1, e=0.7, g = 9.81 and

The figure shows the solution computed with Silver for height h of the ball for the start values given above.

The chain of events during simulation is as follows

  1. intitially h>0 and pos(0)=true
  2. continuous integration until a state event is detected, i.e. until h + EPS_INDICATORS = 0. At this time h < 0, the EPS_INDICATORS adds hysteresis.
  3. the simulator calls eventUpdate once which reverses the speed direction v of the ball: v = -e * v, and sets pos(0)=false
  4. continuous integration until state event is detected, i.e. until h - EPS_INDICATORS = 0. At this time h > 0, the EPS_INDICATORS adds hysteresis.
  5. the simulator calls eventUpdate once more which sets pos(0)=true.
  6. goto 2
The above description refers to the variables used in file bouncingBall.c.