
The heater with flow resistance implements the following equations:

  outlet.m_flow = inlet.m_flow                               (1)
  outlet.T = TSet                                            (2)
  outlet.p = inlet.p - k * abs(inlet.m_flow) * inlet.m_flow  (3)
where inlet and outlet are the inlet and outlet ports, m_flow is the mass flow rate, T is the temperature and p is the absolute pressure. The outlet setpoint temperature TSet is an input and the flow coefficient k is a parameter.


Because the flow versus pressure drop equation (3) is not regularized near zero flow, this model should not be used around inlet.m_flow=0 if the model is combined with a solver that requires the derivatives of the model equations to be bounded. This is for example the case if the model is used within an algebraic loop that is solved using a Newton-Raphson solver.