
MapReduce is a Ptalon actor that models the Google MapReduce system. It is used to perform distributed computation on a data set, based on user supplied methods called map and reduce. This demo shows an example using word count. To make the demo work, you need to set the fileNamePrefix parameter to a String that points this model to the file $PTII/ptolemy/actor/ptalon/demo/MapReduce/, an input data set for this demo. Be sure to leave off the ".map" at the end of the file name. In this model, we set the value of fileNamePrefix to "ReadTest". The outputs will be stored in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/ptalon/demo/MapReduce/, $PTII/ptolemy/actor/ptalon/demo/MapReduce/, etc. The files show the counts of various words in the input files.

MapReduce is available in two formats:

See Web Start Help for details.