/* @Copyright (c) 2003-2014 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY */ package ptolemy.caltrop.ddi.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import caltrop.interpreter.Context; import caltrop.interpreter.ExprEvaluator; import caltrop.interpreter.InputChannel; import caltrop.interpreter.InputPort; import caltrop.interpreter.InterpreterException; import caltrop.interpreter.OutputChannel; import caltrop.interpreter.OutputPort; import caltrop.interpreter.SimpleThunk; import caltrop.interpreter.StmtEvaluator; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.Action; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.Actor; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.Decl; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.Expression; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.InputPattern; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.OutputExpression; import caltrop.interpreter.ast.Statement; import caltrop.interpreter.environment.Environment; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DataFlowActorInterpreter /** The actor interpreter provides an abstract interface to the execution of an actor. It provides a number of operations on the actions of an actor, allowing clients to test them for firability and execute them.

An instance of this class maintains some internal state identifying the action it currently works on. It expects its methods to be called in a particular order, viz.
{@link #actionSetup(caltrop.interpreter.ast.Action) actionSetup(action)} -- {@link #actionEvaluatePrecondition() actionEvaluatePrecondition()} -- {@link #actionStep() actionStep()} -- {@link #actionComputeOutputs() actionComputeOutputs()}
During such a sequence, the methods operate on action n, which was selected by the call to {@link #actionSetup(caltrop.interpreter.ast.Action) actionSetup(action)}. At any point in time, the client may call {@link #actionClear() actionClear()}, which deselects the action and deletes the references to the resources used by the action environment created during setup. @author Jörn W. Janneck @version $Id: DataflowActorInterpreter.java 70402 2014-10-23 00:52:20Z cxh $ @since Ptolemy II 4.0 @Pt.ProposedRating Red (cxh) @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (cxh) @see caltrop.interpreter.ast.Actor @see caltrop.interpreter.ast.Action @see #actionSetup @see #actionEvaluatePrecondition @see #actionStep @see #actionComputeOutputs @see #actionClear */ public class DataflowActorInterpreter { /** * Set up the local environment of the specified action. This * method is the only way a new action may be set up for * execution. If completed successfully, the action environment * and the action are stored in the state of this interpreter, and * other methods may operate on them. * * @param action The action to setup. */ public void actionSetup(Action action) { env = null; envAction = null; final Environment local = actorEnv.newFrame(); final InputPattern[] inputPatterns = action.getInputPatterns(); for (final InputPattern inputPattern : inputPatterns) { final String[] vars = inputPattern.getVariables(); final Expression repExpr = inputPattern.getRepeatExpr(); if (repExpr == null) { for (int j = 0; j < vars.length; j++) { final InputChannel channel = ((InputPort) inputPortMap .get(inputPattern.getPortname())).getChannel(0); // FIXME local.bind(vars[j], new SingleTokenReaderThunk(channel, j)); } } else { SimpleThunk repExprThunk = new SimpleThunk(repExpr, context, local); local.bind(new EnvironmentKey(inputPattern.getPortname()), repExprThunk); for (int j = 0; j < vars.length; j++) { final InputChannel channel = ((InputPort) inputPortMap .get(inputPattern.getPortname())).getChannel(0); // FIXME local.bind(vars[j], new MultipleTokenReaderThunk(channel, j, vars.length, repExprThunk, context)); } } } final Decl[] decls = action.getDecls(); for (Decl decl : decls) { final Expression v = decl.getInitialValue(); if (v == null) { local.bind(decl.getName(), null); } else { local.bind(decl.getName(), new SimpleThunk(v, context, local)); } } env = local; envAction = action; } /** * Evaluate the preconditions for the action and return its * result. If this method returns false, some condition required * for the successful completion of the action is not * satisfied. This might be an insufficient number of input * tokens, or some other condition depending on the value of the * tokens or state variables. * *

Note that the converse need not hold---depending on the * model of computation, a true return value does not necessarily * imply that the action will successfully execute. It may * represent an approximation to a complete precondition, * in which case the model of computation is not * responsible. * * @return True, if the action precondition was satisfied. * @exception caltrop.interpreter.InterpreterException If the * evaluation of the guards could not be successfully completed. */ public boolean actionEvaluatePrecondition() { if (envAction == null) { throw new InterpreterException( "DataflowActorInterpreter: Must call actionSetup() " + "before calling actionEvaluatePrecondition()."); } final Action action = envAction; final InputPattern[] inputPatterns = action.getInputPatterns(); for (InputPattern inputPattern2 : inputPatterns) { final InputPattern inputPattern = inputPattern2; // FIXME: handle multiports final InputChannel channel = ((InputPort) inputPortMap .get(inputPattern.getPortname())).getChannel(0); if (inputPattern.getRepeatExpr() == null) { if (!channel.hasAvailable(inputPattern.getVariables().length)) { // System.out.println("Not enough inputs:" + inputPattern.getVariables().length); return false; } } else { int repeatVal = context.intValue(env.get(new EnvironmentKey( inputPattern.getPortname()))); if (!channel.hasAvailable(inputPattern.getVariables().length * repeatVal)) { // System.out.println("Not enough repeated inputs:" + inputPattern.getVariables().length * repeatVal); return false; } } } final ExprEvaluator eval = new ExprEvaluator(context, env); final Expression[] guards = action.getGuards(); for (Expression guard : guards) { final Object g = eval.evaluate(guard); if (!context.booleanValue(g)) { // System.out.println("guard not satisfied:" + guards[i]); return false; } } return true; } /** * Execute the action body, potentially changing the value of * actor state variables and action-scope variables. * * @exception caltrop.interpreter.InterpreterException If the * action body could not be executed successfully. */ public void actionStep() { if (envAction == null) { throw new InterpreterException( "DataflowActorInterpreter: Must call actionSetup() " + "before calling actionStep()."); } // First evaluate the action-level thunks, so that their value // will not be affected by subsequent assignments to action // or actor variables. env.freezeLocal(); final Action action = envAction; final StmtEvaluator eval = new StmtEvaluator(context, env); final Statement[] body = action.getBody(); for (Statement element : body) { eval.evaluate(element); } } /** * Compute the output tokens and send them to the specified (at * construction time) output channels. * * @see DataflowActorInterpreter */ public void actionComputeOutputs() { if (envAction == null) { throw new InterpreterException( "DataflowActorInterpreter: Must call actionSetup() " + "before calling actionComputeOutputs()."); } final Action action = envAction; final ExprEvaluator eval = new ExprEvaluator(context, env); final OutputExpression[] outputExpressions = action .getOutputExpressions(); for (final OutputExpression outputExpression : outputExpressions) { final Expression[] expressions = outputExpression.getExpressions(); final Expression repeatExpr = outputExpression.getRepeatExpr(); final OutputChannel channel = ((OutputPort) outputPortMap .get(outputExpression.getPortname())).getChannel(0); // FIXME: handle multiports if (repeatExpr != null) { int repeatValue = context.intValue(eval.evaluate(repeatExpr)); List[] lists = new List[expressions.length]; for (int j = 0; j < lists.length; j++) { lists[j] = context.getList(eval.evaluate(expressions[j])); } for (int j = 0; j < repeatValue; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < expressions.length; k++) { channel.put(lists[k].get(j)); } } } else { for (Expression expression : expressions) { channel.put(eval.evaluate(expression)); } } } } /** * Compute an output "profile" for the current action. The profile * is a mapping from channels to rates. * @return Map[ChannelID -> Integer] */ /*public Map actionComputeOutputProfile() { if (envAction < 0) { throw new InterpreterException( "DataflowActorInterpreter: Must call actionSetup() " + "before calling actionComputeOutputs()."); } Map profile = new HashMap(); final Action action = actor.getActions()[envAction]; final ExprEvaluator eval = new ExprEvaluator(context, env); final OutputExpression [] outputExpressions = action.getOutputExpressions(); for (int i = 0; i < outputExpressions.length; i++) { final OutputExpression outputExpression = outputExpressions[i]; final Expression [] expressions = outputExpression.getExpressions(); final Expression repeatExpr = outputExpression.getRepeatExpr(); int repeatValue = 1; // FIXME: handle multiports if (repeatExpr != null) { repeatValue = context.intValue(eval.evaluate(repeatExpr)); } profile.put(new ChannelID(outputExpression.getPortname(), 0), Integer.valueOf(repeatValue * expressions.length)); } return profile; }*/ /** * Clear action selection. The reference to the environment is * cleared, too, allowing the system to reclaim any resources * associated with it. */ public void actionClear() { envAction = null; env = null; } /** * Return the current action. This is null if none has been selected. * * @return The current action, null if none. */ public Action currentAction() { return envAction; } /** * Return the number of actions in this actor. * @return Number of actions. */ public int nActions() { return actor.getActions().length; } /** * Return the number of initializers in this actor. * @return Number of initializers. */ public int nInitializers() { return actor.getInitializers().length; } /** * Defines a new actor interpreter for the specified actor. * * @param actor The actor. * @param context The interpretation context. * @param actorEnv The global environment. * @param inputPortMap Map from input port names to channels. * @param outputPortMap Map from output port names to channels. * @see caltrop.interpreter.InputChannel * @see caltrop.interpreter.OutputChannel */ public DataflowActorInterpreter(final Actor actor, final Context context, final Environment actorEnv, final Map inputPortMap, final Map outputPortMap) { this.actor = actor; this.context = context; this.actorEnv = actorEnv; this.inputPortMap = inputPortMap; this.outputPortMap = outputPortMap; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// private variables //// protected Actor actor; protected Context context; protected Environment actorEnv; protected Environment env = null; protected Action envAction = null; protected Map inputPortMap; public void setOutputPortMap(Map outputPortMap) { this.outputPortMap = outputPortMap; } private Map outputPortMap; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// inner classes //// /** * A single token reader thunk encapsulates the operation of * reading a single token from a specified channel. This allows * us to defer the reading operation to the time when the token is * actually needed. */ protected static class SingleTokenReaderThunk implements Environment.VariableContainer { @Override public Object value() { if (val == this) { val = channel.get(index); channel = null; // release ref to channel } return val; } @Override public Object value(final Object[] location) { // FIXME throw new InterpreterException("Indices not yet implemented."); } @Override public void freeze() { if (val == this) { val = channel.get(index); channel = null; } } public SingleTokenReaderThunk(final InputChannel channel, final int index) { this.channel = channel; this.index = index; // this is definitely not a legal value for a token val = this; } private InputChannel channel; private int index; private Object val; } protected static class MultipleTokenReaderThunk implements Environment.VariableContainer { @Override public Object value() { freeze(); return val; } @Override public Object value(final Object[] location) { // FIXME throw new InterpreterException("Indices not yet implemented."); } @Override public void freeze() { if (val == this) { Object repeatVal = repeatExpr.value(); int length = context.intValue(repeatVal); List tokens = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { tokens.add(channel.get(offset + i * period)); } val = context.createList(tokens); channel = null; } } public MultipleTokenReaderThunk(InputChannel channel, int offset, int period, SimpleThunk repeatExpr, Context context) { this.channel = channel; this.offset = offset; this.period = period; this.repeatExpr = repeatExpr; this.context = context; this.val = this; } private InputChannel channel; private int offset; private int period; private SimpleThunk repeatExpr; private Object val; private Context context; } protected static class EnvironmentKey { public EnvironmentKey(Object thingy) { this.thingy = thingy; } @Override public int hashCode() { int n = thingy.hashCode(); return n * n; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof EnvironmentKey) { return thingy.equals(((EnvironmentKey) obj).thingy); } else { return false; } } private Object thingy; } }