Generate code for the Functional Mockup Unit Master Algorithm (FMIMA)
$PTII/bin/ptcg -generatorPackage \
    -generatorPackagelist generic.program.procedural.fmima \


The has a lot of classes, but the FMIMA work consists of only a few classes.

The easist way to work with the code is to look for the fmima directories and then the .java files

bash-3.2$ cd $PTII/ptolemy/cg
bash-3.2$ find . -name fmima
bash-3.2$ find ./adapter/generic/program/procedural/fmima -name "*.java"
bash-3.2$ find ./kernel/generic/program/procedural/fmima -name "*.java"


The main entry point is $PTII/ptolemy/cg/kernel/generic/program/procedural/fmima/ When the code generator is invoked, that class is instantiated.

Below is the command to run a sample model:

$PTII/bin/ptcg -generatorPackage \
    -generatorPackagelist generic.program.procedural.fmima \
The command that invokes with the appropriate classpath.
The Java package of code generator, defaults to
-generatorPackagelist generic.program.procedural.fmima
Semicolon or * separated list of Java packages to be searched for adapters. The "" string is prepended
The Ptolemy model to be invoked

Run $PTII/bin/ptcg -help to see other command line arguments.

How it works

In a nut shell, the code iterates through the model, finding actors and attributes. An adapter class is searched for that will handle each actor and attribute. If an adapter is not found, then an adapter for the parent class of the actor or attribute is searched for.

@since Ptolemy II 10.0