/* Causality interface for FSM actors. Copyright (c) 2003-2014 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY */ package ptolemy.domains.modal.kernel; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import ptolemy.actor.Actor; import ptolemy.actor.IOPort; import ptolemy.actor.TypedActor; import ptolemy.actor.parameters.ParameterPort; import ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterface; import ptolemy.actor.util.CausalityInterfaceForComposites; import ptolemy.actor.util.Dependency; import ptolemy.data.BooleanToken; import ptolemy.data.expr.ASTPtRootNode; import ptolemy.data.expr.ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector; import ptolemy.data.expr.PtParser; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////FSMCausalityInterface /** This class infers the causality interface of an FSMActor by checking the guards and actions of the transitions. If any transition in the model has an output action that writes to a port and a guard that references an input port, then there is a direct dependency of that output on that input. Otherwise, there is no dependency. Note that this is a conservative analysis in that it may indicate a dependency when there is none. For example, if all outgoing transitions from a state produce the same output value, and a transition is always taken, then irrespective of the guards, the output has no dependency on the inputs. A precise analysis, however, is much more difficult (probably undecidable).

All input ports that affect the state (i.e. that are mentioned in any guard) must be in an equivalence class. Otherwise, we cannot reliably make a decision about what the next state is. In addition, if any input in a refinement affects an output, that input must also be in this equivalence class. Otherwise, the scheduler will assume there is no relationship between these inputs and could provide an event that triggers a state transition in an earlier firing than an event that triggers an output from the current refinement. @author Edward A. Lee @version $Id: FSMCausalityInterface.java 70402 2014-10-23 00:52:20Z cxh $ @since Ptolemy II 8.0 @Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (eal) @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (eal) */ public class FSMCausalityInterface extends CausalityInterfaceForComposites { /** Construct a causality interface for the specified actor. * @param actor The actor for which this is a causality interface. * This is required to be an instance of CompositeEntity. * @param defaultDependency The default dependency of an output * port on an input port. * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the actor parameter is not * an instance of CompositeEntity. */ public FSMCausalityInterface(Actor actor, Dependency defaultDependency) throws IllegalArgumentException { super(actor, defaultDependency); if (!(actor instanceof FSMActor)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create an instance of " + "FSMCausalityInterface for " + actor.getFullName() + ", which is not an FSMActor."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// public methods //// /** Return the dependency between the specified input port * and the specified output port. This is done by checking * the guards and actions of all the transitions. * When called for the first time since a change in the model * structure, this method performs the complete analysis of * the FSM and caches the result. Subsequent calls just * look up the result. * @param input The input port. * @param output The output port, or null to update the * dependencies (and record equivalence classes) without * requiring there to be an output port. * @return The dependency between the specified input port * and the specified output port, or null if a null output * is port specified. * @exception IllegalActionException If a guard expression cannot be parsed. */ @Override public Dependency getDependency(IOPort input, IOPort output) throws IllegalActionException { // Cast is safe because this is checked in the constructor FSMActor actor = (FSMActor) _actor; // If the dependency is not up-to-date, then update it. long workspaceVersion = actor.workspace().getVersion(); if (_dependencyVersion != workspaceVersion) { // Need to update dependencies. The cached version // is obsolete. boolean stateDependentCausality = ((BooleanToken) actor.stateDependentCausality .getToken()).booleanValue(); try { actor.workspace().getReadAccess(); _reverseDependencies = new HashMap>(); _forwardDependencies = new HashMap>(); // Initialize the equivalence classes to contain each input port. _equivalenceClasses = new HashMap>(); List actorInputs = _actor.inputPortList(); for (IOPort actorInput : actorInputs) { Set equivalences = new HashSet(); equivalences.add(actorInput); _equivalenceClasses.put(actorInput, equivalences); } // Keep track of all the ports that must go into the // equivalence class of input ports that affect the state. Collection stateEquivalentPorts = new HashSet(); // Iterate over all the transitions or just the transitions // of the current state. Collection transitions; if (!stateDependentCausality) { transitions = actor.relationList(); } else { State currentState = actor.currentState(); transitions = currentState.outgoingPort .linkedRelationList(); } for (Transition transition : transitions) { // Collect all the output ports that are written to on this transition. Set outputs = new HashSet(); // Look only at the "choice" actions because "commit" actions // do not execute until postfire(), and hence do not imply // an input/output dependency. List actions = transition .choiceActionList(); for (AbstractActionsAttribute action : actions) { List names = action.getDestinationNameList(); for (String name : names) { NamedObj destination = action.getDestination(name); if (destination instanceof IOPort && ((IOPort) destination).isOutput()) { // Found an output that is written to. outputs.add((IOPort) destination); } } } // Now handle the guard expression, finding // all referenced input ports. Set inputs = new HashSet(); String guard = transition.getGuardExpression(); // The guard expression may be empty (in the Ptera domain, // for example). Continue if this is the case. if (guard.trim().equals("")) { continue; } // Parse the guard expression. PtParser parser = new PtParser(); try { ASTPtRootNode guardParseTree = parser .generateParseTree(guard); ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector collector = new ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector(); Set freeVariables = collector .collectFreeVariables(guardParseTree); for (String freeVariable : freeVariables) { // Reach into the FSMActor to get the port. IOPort port = actor ._getPortForIdentifier(freeVariable); if (port != null && port.isInput()) { // Found a reference to an input port in the guard. inputs.add(port); } } } catch (IllegalActionException ex) { throw new IllegalActionException(actor, ex, "Failed to parse guard expression \"" + guard + "\""); } if (inputs.isEmpty()) { continue; } stateEquivalentPorts.addAll(inputs); // Set dependencies of all the found output // ports on all the found input ports. for (IOPort writtenOutput : outputs) { Map outputMap = _reverseDependencies .get(writtenOutput); if (outputMap == null) { outputMap = new HashMap(); _reverseDependencies.put(writtenOutput, outputMap); } for (IOPort readInput : inputs) { outputMap.put(readInput, _defaultDependency.oTimesIdentity()); // Now handle the forward dependencies. Map inputMap = _forwardDependencies .get(readInput); if (inputMap == null) { inputMap = new HashMap(); _forwardDependencies.put(readInput, inputMap); } inputMap.put(writtenOutput, _defaultDependency.oTimesIdentity()); } } } // End of iteration over transitions. // Iterate over the refinements to find any additional ports that may // have to be added to the state equivalent ports. These are input // ports where the corresponding input port on the refinement has // a direct effect on an output. Collection states; if (!stateDependentCausality) { states = actor.entityList(); } else { State currentState = actor.currentState(); states = new HashSet(); states.add(currentState); } for (State state : states) { TypedActor[] refinements = state.getRefinement(); if (refinements != null && refinements.length > 0) { for (TypedActor refinement : refinements) { // The following causes test failures in models such as // ptolemy/domains/modal/test/auto/ABPTest.xml // The error is caught in the FSM Director // if (!((CompositeActor)refinement).isOpaque()) { // throw new IllegalActionException(refinement, "Refinement is missing a director!"); // } CausalityInterface causality = refinement .getCausalityInterface(); // For each output port, find the input ports that affect it. Collection outputs = refinement .outputPortList(); for (IOPort refinementOutput : outputs) { Collection inputs = causality .dependentPorts(refinementOutput); for (IOPort refinementInput : inputs) { Collection equivalents = causality .equivalentPorts(refinementInput); for (IOPort equivalent : equivalents) { // Whew... Need to add the port with the same name to // the state equivalents. IOPort port = (IOPort) actor .getPort(equivalent.getName()); // This should not be null, but if it is, ignore. if (port != null) { stateEquivalentPorts.add(port); } } } } } } } // If any input is an instance of ParameterPort, then // all inputs must be in the same equivalence class. List inputs = _actor.inputPortList(); for (IOPort actorInput : inputs) { if (actorInput instanceof ParameterPort) { stateEquivalentPorts = inputs; break; } } // Now set the equivalence classes. for (IOPort equivalent : stateEquivalentPorts) { _equivalenceClasses.put(equivalent, stateEquivalentPorts); } } finally { actor.workspace().doneReading(); } _dependencyVersion = workspaceVersion; } if (output == null) { return null; } Map inputMap = _forwardDependencies.get(input); if (inputMap != null) { Dependency result = inputMap.get(output); if (result != null) { return result; } } // If there is no recorded dependency, then reply // with the additive identity (which indicates no // dependency). return _defaultDependency.oPlusIdentity(); } }