## FORALL x0, x1\in[0,4]: x0+x1>3 -> x0^2+x1^2>=4 ## Specify to use one variables x0 VAR 2 ## Specify the NUMBER of conjunctions ## Usage: "CONJUNCTION NUMBER" CONJUNCTION 1 ## Specify the NUMBER of assumptions in the INDEX-th conjunction element ## Usage: "ASSUMP INDEX NUMBER" ASSUMP 0 1 ## Specify the coefficient of the polynomial (assumption) x+y>3 ## E.g., A1_0 means the 1st assumption (indexed 0) in the 2nd conjunction (indexed 1) ## First assumption COEF A0_0 (1,0) 1 COEF A0_0 (0,1) 1 SIGN A0_0 GT VALUE A0_0 3 ## Specify the coefficient of the polynomial (guarantee) ## x0^2+x1^2>=4 COEF G0 (2,0) 1 COEF G0 (0,2) 1 SIGN G0 GE VALUE G0 4 ## Specify the bound for each variable BOUND x0 [0, 4] BOUND x1 [0, 4]