
This SDF model illustrates the use of synthesis for fast prototyping. In this model, we hope to create an FSMActor as a controller that can, based on the requirement of clients, grant the resource. However, it is forbidden that the controller grants two clients simultaneously. Also,we have a super-client (ImportantClient1) that needs to be served quickly. Whenever a request is issued by client 1, the resource needs to be granted either immediately or in the next cycle. The overall requirement can be concretized by the following specification. ALWAYS (req1 -> ( grant1 || NEXT grant1)) ALWAYS (req2 -> EVENTUALLY grant2) ALWAYS (req3 -> EVENTUALLY grant3) ALWAYS !(grant1 && grant2) ALWAYS !(grant2 && grant3) ALWAYS !(grant1 && grant3) INPUT req1, req2, req3 OUTPUT grant1, grant2, grant3

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