function sockfd = establishClientSocket(socketConfigurationFile) % ESTABLISHCLIENTSOCKET - Establishes the client connection to the socket % % sockfd = establishClientSocket('socket.cfg') connect MATLAB to % the BCVTB. This function will read the file socket.cfg to get % information for how to connect to the BCVTB. % % If successful, sockfd will be a positive integer for the % socket file descriptor. In case of error, sockfd will be negative. % % This function will also load the library libbcvtb unless it is % already loaded. % Revision history % ---------------- % 2009-06-26 First version, based on code of % Charles Corbin, UC Boulder % Load library if it is not already loaded BCVTBLIB=getBCVTBLibName(); if ~libisloaded(BCVTBLIB) loadlibrary(BCVTBLIB, @bcvtb); end if ~libisloaded(BCVTBLIB) msg='Error. Failed to load BCVTB library.'; ME = MException('BCVTB:ConnectError', ... msg); throw(ME); status = -1; else status = 1; end % Establish the socket connection if and(libisloaded(BCVTBLIB), (status == 1)) sockfd = calllib(BCVTBLIB,'establishclientsocket', socketConfigurationFile); else disp('Could not load library establishClientSocket.m'); sockfd = -1; end