function retVal = sendClientError(sockfd, flaWri) % SENDCLIENTERROR - Sends an error flag to the BCVTB. % % retVal = sendClientError(sockfd, flaWri) sends flaWri % to the BCVTB through the socket with file descriptor sockfd. % Set flaWri to a negative value when calling this function. % If successful, retVal will be zero. % Revision history % ---------------- % 2009-06-26 First version. if (sockfd < 0 ) fprintf('Warning: Cannot close socket in closeIPC(%d) because argument is negative', sockfd); retVal = -1; elseif ~libisloaded('bcvtb') fprintf('Warning: Cannot close socket in closeIPC because BCVTB library is not loaded'); retVal = -2; else retVal = calllib(getBCVTBLibName(),'sendclienterror',int16(sockfd), int16(flaWri)); end