// Methods for parsing XML files. /* ******************************************************************** Copyright Notice ---------------- Building Controls Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB) Copyright (c) 2008, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved. If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer Department at TTD@lbl.gov NOTICE. This software was developed under partial funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly. 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if(ERROR_STATUS == 1) return; if( 0 == strcmp(el, "BCVTB-variables") ) return; if( 0 == strcmp(el, "variable") ) { if( 0 == strcmp(attr[1], "EnergyPlus") ) source = 0; else source = 1; return; } if( 0 == strcmp(el, "EnergyPlus") ) { if( 0 == source){ for(i=0; attr[i]; i++)i=i; if (i != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Variable configuration file invalid.\n" " Expected two attribute values for source\n" " of EnergyPlus: 'name' and 'type'.\n"); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } if ( 0 == strcmp(attr[0], "name") && 0 == strcmp(attr[2], "type") ) i = 0; else if( 0 == strcmp(attr[2], "name") && 0 == strcmp(attr[0],"type")) i = 2; else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Variable configuration file not valide.\n" " Expected two attribute values for source\n" " of EnergyPlus: 'name' and 'type'.\n"); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } if( (strlen(outputVarsName)+strlen(attr[(i+1)%4])+2) > (*strLen) ){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough memory allocated for EnergyPlus output.\n" " Allocated: %d.\n", *strLen); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } strcat(outputVarsName,(char*) attr[(i+1)%4]); strcat(outputVarsName, (char*) ";"); if( (strlen(outputVarsType)+strlen(attr[(i+3)%4])+2) > *strLen ){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough memory allocated for EnergyPlus output.\n" " Allocated: %d.\n", *strLen); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } strcat(outputVarsType, (char*) attr[(i+3)%4]); strcat(outputVarsType, (char*) ";"); *numOutputVars = *numOutputVars + 1; } else if( 1 == source) { for( i=0; attr[i]; i++)i=i; if( 2 != i ){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Expecting one input variable in one\n" " element in xml file.\n"); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } for( j=0; j< numInputKeys; j++) { if( 0 == strcmp((char*)inputKeys[j], (char*)attr[0]) ){ if( (strlen(inputVars)+strlen(attr[1])+2) > *strLen){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocated for parsed E+ input\n" " variables name is not enough,\n" " allocated: %d.\n", *strLen); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } inputVarsType[*numInputVars] = j+1; strcat(inputVars,attr[1]); strcat(inputVars, ";"); *numInputVars = *numInputVars + 1; break; } } if( numInputKeys == j) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown input variable type: %s.\n", attr[0]); ERROR_STATUS = 1; return; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Call back functions that will be used by the expat xml parser /// /// This function is designed for the function \c getepvariables /// to get input and output variables in the same order as they /// appear in the configuration file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void XMLCALL EPend(void *data, const char *el) { source = -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method frees the local memory allocated /// ///\param strArr 1D string array to be freed ///\param n the size of the 1D string array //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void freeResource(char** strArr, int n){ int i; for(i=0; i *strLen){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocated for parsed attribute\n" " values is not enough, allocated: %d.\n", *strLen); *numVals = strlen(vals) + strlen(attr[i+1])+2; return; } if(vals[0] != '\0') strcat(vals, ";"); strcat(vals, attr[i+1]); } *numVals = *numVals + 1; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Call back functions that will be used by the expat xml parser // /// This function is used for \c getxmlvalues //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void XMLCALL end(void *data, const char *el) { if(!strcmp(el, expStk.head[expStk.cur])&& expStk.cur>0) expStk.cur--; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method returns the number of xmlvalues given xPath expressions. /// This method will call the function \c getxmlvalues /// /// \c exp mimics the xPath expression. /// Its format is //el1/../eln[@attr] /// which will return the \c attr value of \c eln, /// where \c eln is the n-th child of \c el1 /// /// Example: //variable/EnergyPlus[@name] will return the name attributes of EnergyPlus /// which is equivalent to //EnergyPlus[@name] /// ///\param fileName the name of the xml file ///\param exp the xPath expression //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int getnumberofxmlvalues( char* const fileName, char* const exp){ int n, ret; char* str; int strLen = 0; n=0; str = NULL; PARSEVALUE = 0; ret = getxmlvalues(fileName, exp, str, &n, strLen); if(-1 == ret){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: In getnumberofxmlvalues.\n"); return ret; } return n; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method returns the xmlvalues parsed given xPath expressions. /// This method will first perform a validation check with DTDValidator /// For compatibility with BCVTB 0.2 this function is mainly for E+ /// to get the input and output variables in variables.cfg. Thus the /// dtd file for the validity checking is the variables.dtd. /// Then the function calls \c getxmlvalues to get the variables /// and appends ";" at the end of the parsed string. /// /// Return value: 0 normal; -1 error /// /// \c exp mimics the xPath expression. /// Its format is //el1/../eln[@attr] /// which will return the \c attr value of \c eln, /// where \c eln is the n-th child of \c el1 /// /// Example: //variable/EnergyPlus[@name] will return the name attributes of EnergyPlus /// which is equivalent to //EnergyPlus[@name] /// ///\param fileName the xml file name; ///\param exp the xPath expression. ///\param atrName the attribute name. ///\param nAtt number of attribute values found. ///\param str string to store the found values, semicolon separated. ///\param strLen the string length allocated //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int getxmlvaluesf(char* const fileName, char* const exp, char* const atrName, int* const nVal, char* const str, int* const strLen) { /////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This part of the code is for compatibility /// with the BCVTB version 0.2 and earlier int ret = check_variable_cfg_Validate(fileName); if(-1 == ret) return -1; ////////////////////////////////////////////// PARSEVALUE = 1; ret = getxmlvalues(fileName, exp, str, nVal, *strLen); if( -1 == ret || *nVal > *strLen ) return -1; if( strlen(str)+2 >= *strLen ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Not enough memory allocated for parsed xml\n" " values in getxmlvaluesf, allocated: %zx.\n", (size_t)*strlen); return -1; } strcat(str,";"); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method returns one xmlvalue for a given xPath expressions. /// The function will call the function \c getxmlvalues to get the variables /// without ";" at the end of the parsed string /// /// Return values: 0 normal; -1 error /// /// \c exp mimics the xPath expression. /// Its format is //el1/../eln[@attr] /// which will return the \c attr value of \c eln, /// where \c eln is the n-th child of \c el1 /// /// Example: //variable/EnergyPlus[@name] will return the name attributes of EnergyPlus /// which is equivalent to //EnergyPlus[@name] /// ///\param fileName the xml file name. ///\param exp the xPath expression. ///\param str string to store the found values, semicolon separated. ///\param nVals number of values found. ///\param strLen the string length allocated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int getxmlvalue(char* const fileName, char* const exp, char* const str, int* const nVals, int const strLen) { int ret; PARSEVALUE = 1; ret = getxmlvalues(fileName, exp, str, nVals, strLen); if(ret != 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Error when attempting to parse file '%s'\n",fileName); return -1; } if(*nVals == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: No xml value parsed in file '%s'\n",fileName); return -1; } if(*nVals > 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: More than one xml values parsed, \n" " while expecting one value. \n" " number of xml values parsed is: %d\n" " xPath: '%s'\n", *nVals, exp); return -1; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This method checks the validity of the variables /// configuration xml file for a given dtd file that is /// specified in the variables configuration file /// /// Return values: -1 Error in the file /// 0 File is validate /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int check_variable_cfg_Validate(char* const fileName){ char *BCVTB_HOME, *dtdFileName; char *command; FILE *dtdF; int ret; #ifdef _MSC_VER /************* Windows specific code ********/ const char *const xmlPath = "\\lib\\xml\\"; const char *const jarPath = "\\lib\\xml\\build\\jar\\DTDValidator.jar"; #else /************* End of Windows specific code *******/ const char *const xmlPath = "/lib/xml/"; const char *const jarPath = "/lib/xml/build/jar/DTDValidator.jar"; #endif BCVTB_HOME = getenv("BCVTB_HOME"); if(NULL == BCVTB_HOME){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot get environment variable: BCVTB_HOME.\n"); return -1; } command = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * ( strlen(BCVTB_HOME) + strlen(fileName) + strlen("variables.dtd") + 20 ) * 3 ); if(NULL == command) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocation failed in" " check_variable_cfg_Validate" " when parsing file '%s'.\n" " Program aborting.\n", fileName); return -1; } dtdFileName = (char*) malloc( sizeof (char) * ( strlen(BCVTB_HOME) + 30)); if(NULL == command) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocation failed in" " check_variable_cfg_Validate" " when parsing file '%s'. \n" " Program aborting.\n", fileName); return -1; } sprintf(dtdFileName, "%s%s%s", BCVTB_HOME, xmlPath, "variables.dtd"); dtdF = fopen(dtdFileName, "r"); if( NULL == dtdF ){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot open '%s'.\n", dtdFileName); return -1; } else fclose(dtdF); sprintf(command, "java -jar \"%s%s\" \"%s\" \"%s%s\"", BCVTB_HOME, jarPath, fileName, BCVTB_HOME, xmlPath); ret = system(command); if( ret != 0) return -1; else return 0; }