# Makefile for Ptolemy II standalone distribution # # Version identification: # $Id: ptII.mk.in 59470 2010-10-11 16:20:06Z cxh $ # # Copyright (c) 1996-2010 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the # above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all # copies of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE # PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF # CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, # ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 # COPYRIGHTENDKEY # Date of creation: 7/31/96 # Author: Christopher Hylands # NOTE: Don't edit this file if it is called ptII.mk, instead # edit ptII.mk.in, which is read by configure # Every Ptolemy II makefile should include ptII.mk # Variables with @ around them are substituted in by the configure script # Default top-level directory. Usually this is the same as $PTII prefix = @prefix@ # Usually the same as prefix. exec_prefix is part of the autoconf standard. exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ # Source directory we are building from. srcdir = @srcdir@ BIN_INSTALL_DIR = $(exec_prefix)/bin # The home of the Java Developer's Kit (JDK) # Generating Java documentation uses this makefile variable # The line below gets substituted by the configure script # Under Cygwin, PTJAVA_DIR _will_ contain /cygdrive/c # NOTE: If your javac compiler is in /usr/bin, then PTJAVA_DIR is # likely to be set to /usr. Consider using PTJAVA_HOME if # you are looking for Java jar files. Note that PTJAVA_HOME is set to # the jre/ directory, wheras PTJAVA_DIR is set to the directory # above the jre/ directory. PTJAVA_DIR = @PTJAVA_DIR@ # Value of the java.home Java property, which usually refers to the jre. # Under Cygwin, PTJAVA_HOME will not contain /cygdrive/c PTJAVA_HOME = @PTJAVA_HOME@ # Location of rt.jar, usually $(PTJAVA_HOME)/lib/rt.jar # However, we have to be careful of backslashes and /cygwin # Soot uses this variable to find java.lang.Object JAVA_SYSTEM_JAR = @JAVA_SYSTEM_JAR@ # Location of jce.jar, usually $(PTJAVA_HOME)/lib/jce.jar # Java 1.5 has javax.crypto.Cipher in jce.jar # However, we have to be careful of backslashes and /cygwin # Soot uses this variable to find java.lang.Object JAVAX_CRYPTO_JAR = @JAVAX_CRYPTO_JAR@ # JDK Version from the java.version property JVERSION = @JVERSION@ # Java CLASSPATH separator # For Unix, this would be : # For Cygwin, this would be ; CLASSPATHSEPARATOR = @CLASSPATHSEPARATOR@ # The home of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) aka Swing JFCHOME = /opt/swing # CLASSPATH necessary to find the swing.jar file for JFC JFCCLASSPATH = $(JFCHOME)/swing.jar # The variables below are for the SunTest JavaScope code coverage tool # See http://www.suntest.com/JavaScope # The 'jsinstr' command, which instruments Java code. JSINSTR = jsinstr JSINSTRFLAGS = -IFLUSHCLASS=true # The 'jsrestore' command which uninstruments Java code. JSRESTORE = jsrestore # The pathname to the JavaScope.zip file JSCLASSPATH = /usr/local/JavaScope/JavaScope.zip # KVM is the JDK for PalmOS, see # http://java.sun.com/products/kvm KVM_CLASSES = @KVM_CLASSES@ # Directory that contains the kvm used by PalmOS KVM_DIR = @KVM_DIR@ # Directory the Palm Pilot Hot Sync program looks for downloads PALM_ADD_ON_DIR = /Program\ Files/Palm/Add-on # Set to the location of the QTJava.zip file QTJAVA_ZIP = @QTJAVA_ZIP@ # Jar files used Soot - a Java Optimization Framework SOOT_CLASSES = @SOOT_CLASSES@ # Directory that contains the Soot installation SOOT_DIR = @SOOT_DIR@ # Tini is a single board Java processor from Dallas Semi (www.dalsemi.com) TINI_CLASSES = @TINI_CLASSES@ # Directory that contains the TINI installation TINI_DIR = @TINI_DIR@ # Location of tools.jar, usually $(PTJAVA_HOME)/../lib/tools.jar TOOLS_JAR = @TOOLS_JAR@ # Waba is another JDK for PalmOS, see # http://www.wabasoft.clom WABA_CLASSES = @WABA_CLASSES@ # Directory that contains the waba used by PalmOS WABA_DIR = @WABA_DIR@ # Lejos is a JDK for Lego Mindstorms, see # http://lejos.sourceforge.net LEJOS_DIR = @LEJOS_DIR@ # Set to the directory that contains xpat.h and used in $PTII/lbnl/lib/util LIBEXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR = @LIBEXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR@ # Set to the directory that contains libxpat and used in $PTII/lbnl/lib/util LIBEXPAT_LIB_DIR = @LIBEXPAT_LIB_DIR@ ########## You should not have to change anything below this line ###### # Set to backtrack if Java 1.5 or later is present used in ptolemy/makefile PTBACKTRACK_DIR = @PTBACKTRACK_DIR@ # Set to eclipse and used in ptolemy/backtrack/makefile if Eclipse was found PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_DIR = @PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_DIR@ # Plugin Eclipse jar files, used by $PTII/doc PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_DOC_JARS = @PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_DOC_JARS@ # Eclipse jar files used by ptolemy/backtrack PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_JARS = @PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_JARS@ # Ptolemy II packages that use backtrack/eclipse packages # PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_PACKAGES is used in $PTII/doc/makefile PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_PACKAGES = @PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_PACKAGES@ # Used by Mescal. Set to -I$PTII/mescal/include or -I/usr/local/include # if we found boost/static_assert.hpp PTBOOST_INCLUDE = "@PTBOOST_INCLUDE@" # Directory that contains the Cal jar file ptCal.jar # used by bin/ptinvoke.in CALTROP_DIR = @CALTROP_DIR@ # Directory that contains chic.jar. # Chic is a modular verifier for behavioral compatibility checking of # software and hardware components. # Used in bin/ptinvoke.in CHIC_DIR = @CHIC_DIR@ # Directory that contains colt.jar # Colt is a "Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific # and Technical Computing in Java" used in bin/ptinvoke.in COLT_DIR = @COLT_DIR@ # Directory that contains the CaffeineMark Java Benchmark kit # used by C code generation in copernicus/c CMKIT_DIR = @CMKIT_DIR@ # Location of Eclipse, which is used by ptolemy/backtracking ECLIPSE_DIR = @ECLIPSE_DIR@ # Location of GNU Awk, used by maven GAWK = @GAWK@ # Directory that contains gc.h, used in copernicus/c GC_INCLUDE_DIR = @GC_INCLUDE_DIR@ # GC_LD_DIRECTIVE is set to the values to pass to cc or ld if # GC_malloc() can be found either in the default compiler location # or in $PTII/lib. # PTGC_LD_DIRECTIVE is used in ptolemy/copernicus/c/ GC_LD_DIRECTIVE = @GC_LD_DIRECTIVE@ # The 'javac' compiler. JAVAC = @JAVAC@ # Flags to pass to javac. Usually something like '-g -depend' JDEBUG = -g JOPTIMIZE = -O JFLAGS = $(JDEBUG) $(JOPTIMIZE) # The javadoc binary, used to create html documentation of java classes. JAVADOC = @JAVADOC@ # The javah binary, used by jni for matlab. JAVAH = @JAVAH@ # The javaws command is used to test Webstart JNLP files. JAVAWS = @JAVAWS@ # -breakiterator is only present in jdk1.4 and later JDOCBREAKITERATOR = @JDOCBREAKITERATOR@ # Increase the amount of memory that javadoc uses. JDOCMEMORY = -J-Xmx1000m # Allow @Pt.AcceptedRating and @Pt.ProposedRating tags. JDOCTAG = @JDOCTAG@ # Javadoc taglet # Usually -tagletpath $(PTII) -taglet doc.doclets.RatingTaglet JDOCTAGLET = @JDOCTAGLET@ # Doccheck is a doclet that checks for bugs # Location of the doccheck jar file, available from # http://java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/doccheck/ DOCCHECKJAR = $(PTII)/vendors/sun/doccheck1.2b2/doccheck.jar JDOCCHECKFLAG = -doclet com.sun.tools.doclets.doccheck.DocCheck \ -docletpath $(DOCCHECKJAR) # caltrop uses the assert keyword, which is new in Java 1.4 # ptalon uses generics, which are new in Java 1.5, so if # Java 1.5 is present, use -source 1.5 JDOCSOURCEFLAGS = @JDOCSOURCEFLAGS@ # Doccheck is a doclet that checks for bugs, see # http://java.sun.com/developer/earlyAccess/doccheck/ JDOCCHECKFLAGS = $(JDOCBREAKITERATOR) $(JDOCMEMORY) $(JDOCSOURCEFLAGS) # Flags to pass to javadoc. JDOCFLAGS = -author -version -private $(JDOCCHECKFLAGS) $(JDOCTAG) $(JDOCTAGLET) # The jar command, used to produce jar files, which are similar to tar files JAR = @JAR@ # If Jar fails with a message about stack size being too small, # set JAR_FLAGS to -JXss20m JAR_FLAGS = #The jar signer command is used to create signed jar files for Webstart JNLP files JARSIGNER = @JARSIGNER@ # Command to run that indexes a jar file named tmp.jar # Usually it looks like '"$(JAR)" -i $@' JAR_INDEX = @JAR_INDEX@ # The 'java' interpreter. JAVA = @JAVA@ # Flags to use with java. Try 'java -help' or 'java -X' # A common value is -Xmx100m to set the maximum stack size JAVAFLAGS = # Jar files for Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) used by # ptolemy/actor/lib/jai/makefile JAI_JARS = @JAI_JARS@ # If Jini is present, the set to yes, otherwise, set to no JINI_PRESENT = @JINI_PRESENT@ # ImageJ Jar file, used to compile ptolemy/domains/gr/lib/vr IMAGEJ_JAR = @IMAGEJ_JAR@ # Jini home directory, see http://www.sun.com/jini/ JINI_DIR = @JINI_DIR@ # The directory of the Jini distribution that contains the jar files JINI_LIB = $(JINI_DIR)/jar # Do not include a trailng $(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR) here, or # we may run into problems compiling under Solaris8 with JavaScope # because we end up with a classpath with an empty element :: # Include jini-ext.jar for javadoc. JINI_JARS = $(JINI_LIB)/jini-core.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JINI_LIB)/jini-ext.jar # Jar files for Java Media Framework (JMF) used by ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile JMF_JARS = @JMF_JARS@ # Java Native Access jar file (jna.jar). See # https://jna.dev.java.net/. Used in ptolemy/actor/lib/opencv JNA_JAR = @JNA_JAR@ # Jar file that contains Joystick interface, # see http://sourceforge.net/projects/javajoystick/ JOYSTICK_JAR = @JOYSTICK_JAR@ # Jython home directory that contains jython.jar, see http://www.jython.org JYTHON_DIR = @JYTHON_DIR@ # JXTA home directory that contains jxta.jar, see http://www.jxta.org JXTA_DIR = @JXTA_DIR@ # Jar files used by JXTA JXTA_JARS = $(JXTA_DIR)/jxta.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/log4j.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/beepcore.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/jxtasecurity.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/cryptix-asn1.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/cryptix32.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/jxtaptls.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_DIR)/minimalBC.jar # keytool command used to generate a certificate for testing actor.lib.security actors KEYTOOL = @KEYTOOL@ # The Kieler jar file, used to layout models KIELER_JAR = @KIELER_JAR@ # Jar files for Open Computer Vision (OpenCV), used in ptolemy.actor.lib.opencv/makefile OPENCV_JAR = @OPENCV_JAR@ # The major type of OS we are running under. # Under all forms Windows, this should be Windows; ynder Linux: Linux, etc. # Used in ptolemy/matlab/makefile MAJOR_OS_NAME = @MAJOR_OS_NAME@ # Location of the Matlab directory. The matlab binary will be # found at $(MATLAB_DIR)/bin/matlab MATLAB_DIR = @MATLAB_DIR@ # Location of Matlab's engine libraries (libeng.so, libmx.so) MATLAB_LIBDIR = @MATLAB_LIBDIR@ # Location of Matlab's engine libraries (libeng.so, libmx.so) (64 bit) MATLAB_64LIBDIR = @MATLAB_64LIBDIR@ # Set to the BSH jar file and used to compile org/mlc PTBSH_JAR = @PTBSH_JAR@ # Set to mlc and used in $PTII/org/makefile if Java Bean Shell is found. PTBSH_MLC_DIR = @PTBSH_MLC_DIR@ # Set to the packages that require bsh and used in $PTII/doc/makefile PTBSH_PACKAGES = @PTBSH_PACKAGES@ # PTBSH_RUN_DIR is set to "run" and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/gui/makefile if bsh.jar was found. PTBSH_RUN_DIR= @PTBSH_RUN_DIR@ # Set to caltrop and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if Cal was found. PTCALTROP_DIR = @PTCALTROP_DIR@ # Set to gcc if gcc was found and used in $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile. PTCC = @PTCC@ # Set to mingw32-gcc or gcc and used in $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile and jni PTCCJNI = @PTCCJNI@ # Set to chic and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if chic was found. PTCHIC_DIR = @PTCHIC_DIR@ # PTCM_DIR is set to cm and used in $PTII/ptolemy/copernicus/c/test/makefile # if the CaffeineMark Java Benchmark kit is found. PTCM_DIR = @PTCM_DIR@ # Optional codegen package that are in the devel tree, but not shipped. # Used in doc/makefile PTCODEGEN_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES = @PTCODEGEN_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES@ # Set to colt and used in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if colt was found. PTCOLT_DIR = @PTCOLT_DIR@ # Colt jar files. We ship $PTII/lib/ptcolt.jar, which is a subset # of $PTII/vendors/misc/colt.jar PTCOLT_JARS = @PTCOLT_JARS@ # Ptolemy II packages that use COLT # PTCOLT_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTCOLT_PACKAGES = @PTCOLT_PACKAGES@ # Set to comm and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if the Java Communications API was found # PTCOMM_DIR = @PTCOMM_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the Java Serial Communication facility # PTCOMM_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTCOMM_PACKAGES = @PTCOMM_PACKAGES@ # Set to copernicus and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if Soot was found PTCOPERNICUS_DIR = @PTCOPERNICUS_DIR@ # PTCUNIT_DIR is set to test and used in # ptII/ptolemy/codegen/c/kernel/type/test/makefile # if CUnit is found PTCUNIT_DIR = @PTCUNIT_DIR@ # PTDATABASE_DIR is set to database and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if ojdbc6.jar was found. PTDATABASE_DIR = @PTDATABASE_DIR@ # PTDATABASE_JNLP_JARS is set to the database jars that need to be signed # and used in mk/jnlp.mk PTDATABASE_JNLP_JARS = @PTDATABASE_JNLP_JARS@ # PTDATABASE_PACKAGES is set if ojdbc6.jar was found and # used in ptII/doc/makefile PTDATABASE_PACKAGES = @PTDATABASE_PACKAGES@ # Set to distributed and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if jini was found PTDISTRIBUTED_DIR = @PTDISTRIBUTED_DIR@ # Set to jini jar file and used # $PTII/ptolemy/distributed/*/makefile if jini was found PTDISTRIBUTED_JARS = @PTDISTRIBUTED_JARS@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the distributed # PTDISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTDISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES = @PTDISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES@ # PTDOCLETS_DIR is set to doclets and used in # $PTII/doc if tools.jar can be found. PTDOCLETS_DIR = @PTDOCLETS_DIR@ # PTEXCEL_DIR is set to excel and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if jxl was found PTEXCEL_DIR= @PTEXCEL_DIR@ # PTEXCEL_PACKAGES is used in doc/makefile PTEXCEL_PACKAGES= @PTEXCEL_PACKAGES@ # Set to fuzzy and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/logic/makefile if fuzzy/FuzzyEngine.class was found PTFUZZY_DIR = @PTFUZZY_DIR@ # The FuzzyEngine directory, usually # $PTII/vendors/misc/FuzzyEngine. Available from # http://people.clarkson.edu/~esazonov/FuzzyEngine.htm PTFUZZYENGINE_DIR = @PTFUZZYENGINE_DIR@ # PTFUZZYLOGIC_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile if fuzzy/FuzzyEngine.class is found PTFUZZY_PACKAGES = @PTFUZZY_PACKAGES@ # Location of the local $PTII directory as a file:/// URL # This variable is used with the Java Network Launching Protocol files PTII_LOCALURL = @PTII_LOCALURL@ # JAVA3D_JARS is the jar files to use with Java 3D. Usually, this is # empty, because most installations have Java 3D in the jdk # jre/lib/ext directory, but some do not. If --with-java3D was used # with configure, then JAVA3D_JARS will be set to include the jars. JAVA3D_JARS = @JAVA3D_JARS@ # Set to gr and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/domains/makefile if Java 3D was found PTJAVA3D_DIR = @PTJAVA3D_DIR@ # Set to kvm and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if the PalmOS KVM was found PTKVM_DIR = @PTKVM_DIR@ # JavaCC is the Java Compiler Compiler which is used by ptolemy.data.expr # The default location is $(PTII)/vendors/sun/JavaCC JAVACC_DIR = @JAVACC_DIR@ # Under Unix: # JJTREE = $(JAVACC_DIR)/bin/jjtree # JAVACC = $(JAVACC_DIR)/bin/javacc # Under Cygwin32 NT the following should be used and JavaCC.zip must be in # the CLASSPATH # JJTREE = $(JAVA) COM.sun.labs.jjtree.Main # JAVACC = $(JAVA) COM.sun.labs.javacc.Main JJTREE = "@JJTREE@" JAVACC = "@JAVACC@" # The JavaCV jar file, used in actor/lib/opencv/javacv for computer vision JAVACV_JAR = @JAVACV_JAR@ # Mysql Java Database jar (mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar), # used by domains/space and actor/lib/database MYSQL_JAR = @MYSQL_JAR@ # Oracle Java Database jar (ojdbc6.jar) ORACLE_OJDBC_JAR = @ORACLE_OJDBC_JAR@ # Set to $PTII/lib if $PTII/lib/mapss.jar was found and used # in $PTII/bin/ptinvoke.in PSDF_DIR = @PSDF_DIR@ # Set to -I$PTII/mescal/include or -I/usr/local/include if gmp.h is found # and used in $PTII/mescal/relsat # FIXME: There could be problems if PTII have spaces PTGMP_INCLUDE = @PTGMP_INCLUDE@ # Set to -Wl,-R$PTII/mescal/lib or -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib if the gmp # libraries are found and used in $PTII/mescal/relsat PTGMP_LD_FLAGS = @PTGMP_LD_FLAGS@ # Set to -I$PTII/mescal/lib or -I/usr/local/lib if the gmp libraries are found # and used in $PTII/mescal/relsat PTGMP_LIB = @PTGMP_LIB@ # Name of the jar file that includes the GR domain if Java 3D was found. # Used in domains/makefile. PTGRDOMAIN_JAR = @PTGRDOMAIN_JAR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the Java 3D facility # PTGR_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTGR_PACKAGES = @PTGR_PACKAGES@ # Set to gro and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/domains/makefile if the Java OpenGL (Jogl) interface was found. PTGRO_DIR = @PTGRO_DIR@ # PTGRO_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile if Jogl was found. PTGRO_PACKAGES = @PTGRO_PACKAGES@ # Set to itextpdf and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/makefile if iText.jar was found PTITEXTPDF_DIR = @PTITEXTPDF_DIR@ # iText PDF jar file. iText is from # http://itextpdf.com PTITEXTPDF_JAR = @PTITEXTPDF_JAR@ # PTITEXTPDF_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile if iTextjar is found PTITEXTPDF_PACKAGES = @PTITEXTPDF_PACKAGES@ # Set to ptjacl and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/gui/makefile if ptjacl.jar was found PTJACL_DIR = @PTJACL_DIR@ # Jar file that contains Jacl PTJACL_JAR = @PTJACL_JAR@ # Jar files used in configs/test/makefile and vergil/test/makefile PTJACL_JARS = $(DIVA_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JYTHON_DIR)/jython.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JXTA_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(SOOT_CLASSES)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTCOLT_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR) # jtclsh script to run Jacl for the test suite. # We could use bin/ptjacl here, but instead we start it from within # make and avoid problems # configure sets @JTCLSH@ to include JTCLSHFLAGS # JTCLSHFLAGS gets set to -Dptolemy.ptII.isRunningNightlyBuild=true # when we are running the nightly build. JTCLSH = CLASSPATH="$(CLASSPATH)$(AUXCLASSPATH)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTJACL_JAR)" @JTCLSH@ # Saxon is the XSLT and XQuery Processor (http://saxon.sourceforge.net/) # At runtime, ptolemy.util.XSLTUtilities, caltrop and hsif uses Saxon. SAXON_JAR = $(ROOT)/lib/saxon8.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(ROOT)/lib/saxon8-dom.jar # Set to jai and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if Java Advanced Imaging was found PTJAI_DIR = @PTJAI_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use Java Advanced Imaging # PTJAI_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTJAI_PACKAGES = @PTJAI_PACKAGES@ # Set to javacv and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/opencv/makefile if JavaCV was found PTJAVACV_DIR = @PTJAVACV_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use JavaCV. # PTJAVACV_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTJAVACV_PACKAGES = @PTJAVACV_PACKAGES@ # PTJMF_DIR is set to jmf if the JMF directory is found PTJMF_DIR = @PTJMF_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use Java Media Framwork # PTJMF_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTJMF_PACKAGES = @PTJMF_PACKAGES@ # JNI architecture, used to compile C files PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE = @PTJNI_ARCHITECTURE@ # set to jni include directory PTJNI_INCLUDE = @PTJNI_INCLUDE@ # Set to -ldl for use by jni/launcher/makefile under Linux PTJNI_DL_LIBRARY = @PTJNI_DL_LIBRARY@ # JNI lib architecture, used to run jni/launcher PTJNI_LIB_ARCHITECTURE = @PTJNI_LIB_ARCHITECTURE@ # Flag to use with TinyOS under Cygwin (-mno-cygwin) #PTJNI_NO_CYGWIN = @PTJNI_NO_CYGWIN@ # Under Windows with Cygwin-1.3.22 and gcc-3.2, we do not use -mno-cygwin PTJNI_NO_CYGWIN = # GCC shared flag. Usually -shared, except on the mac, where it is -dynamiclib PTJNI_GCC_SHARED_FLAG = @PTJNI_GCC_SHARED_FLAG@ # JNI shared library C compiler flag, under Solaris this would be -fPIC. PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_CFLAG = @PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_CFLAG@ # JNI shared library linker flag, under Solaris this would be -fPIC. PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_LDFLAG = @PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_LDFLAG@ # JNI shared library prefix, under Solaris this would be lib. PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_PREFIX = @PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_PREFIX@ # JNI shared library suffix, under Windows this would be dll. PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_SUFFIX = @PTJNI_SHAREDLIBRARY_SUFFIX@ # JNI libraries needed to link, such as -lcygwin (Used by Viptos) PTJNI_LIBRARIES = @PTJNI_LIBRARIES@ # Java OpenGL (Jogl) directory. Jogl is from # https://jogl.dev.java.net/ PTJOGL_DIR = @PTJOGL_DIR@ # Java OpenGL (Jogl) jar files used by the gro domain. PTJOGL_JARS= @PTJOGL_JARS@ # Set to joystick if Joystick.jar was found. PTJOYSTICK_DIR = @PTJOYSTICK_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the Java Joystick facilty # PTJOYSTICK_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTJOYSTICK_PACKAGES = @PTJOYSTICK_PACKAGES@ # Used in ptolemy/actor/lib/excel/makefile PTJXL_JAR= @PTJXL_JAR@ # PTJYTHON_DIR is set to python (FIXME: should be jython) and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if Jython was found. PTJYTHON_DIR= @PTJYTHON_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use Python # PTJYTHON_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTJYTHON_PACKAGES = @PTJYTHON_PACKAGES@ # Set to jxta and used in # $PTII/actor/lib/makefile if jxta.jar was found PTJXTA_DIR = @PTJXTA_DIR@ # Set to opencv and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile if OpenCV Open Computer Vision was found PTOPENCV_DIR = @PTOPENCV_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use OpenCV # PTOPENCV_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTOPENCV_PACKAGES = @PTOPENCV_PACKAGES@ # PTCGOPENCV_DIR is set to OpenCVTracking and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/codegen/demo/makefile if opencv was found PTOPENCVCG_DIR = @PTOPENCVCG_DIR@ # Directory that contains cv.h. # Used in $PTII/ptolemy/codegen/demo/makefile/OpenCVTracking PTOPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR = @PTOPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR@ # Set to kieler and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/vergil/basic/layout/makefile if kieler was found PTKIELER_DIR = @PTKIELER_DIR@ # Set to lbnl and used in $PTII/makefile if libxpat was found. PTLBNL_DIR = @PTLBNL_DIR@ # Set to the lbnl jars that need to be signed if libexpat was found # and used in jnlp.mk. PTLBNL_JARS = @PTLBNL_JARS@ # PTLBNL_PACKAGES is set if libexpat was found and # used in ptII/doc/makefile PTLBNL_PACKAGES = @PTLBNL_PACKAGES@ # Set to lego and used in $PTII/ptolemy/apps/makefile if # the Java Communications API was found PTLEGO_DIR = @PTLEGO_DIR@ # Set to lejos and used in $PTII/ptolemy/apps/makefile if # the Java Communications API and Lejos was found PTLEJOS_DIR = @PTLEJOS_DIR@ # Set to util and used in $PTII/lbnl/lib/util/makefile if libxpat was found PTLIBEXPAT_DIR = @PTLIBEXPAT_DIR@ # Set to gcc or cl and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile if the Matlab was found. PTMATLAB_CC = @PTMATLAB_CC@ # Set to -m64 under Solaris if libs are in bin/sol64 # and used in $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile if the Matlab was found. PTMATLAB_CC_FLAGS = @PTMATLAB_CC_FLAGS@ # Set to matlab and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if # matlab was found. PTMATLAB_DIR = @PTMATLAB_DIR@ # Set to the matlab jars that need to be signed if matlab was found. # Used in jnlp.mk PTMATLAB_JARS = @PTMATLAB_JARS@ # Linker args for Matlab # $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile PTMATLAB_LD_ARGS = @PTMATLAB_LD_ARGS@ # Linker args for Matlab # $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/makefile (64 bit) PTMATLAB_64LD_ARGS = @PTMATLAB_64LD_ARGS@ # Used in $PTII/doc/makefile PTMATLAB_PACKAGES = @PTMATLAB_PACKAGES@ # Set to mescal and used in $PTII/makefile # if $PTII/mescal was found PTMESCAL_DIR= @PTMESCAL_DIR@ # Set to pdf and used in ptolemy/vergil/makefile if # PDFRenderer.jar is found. PTPDFRENDERER_DIR = @PTPDFRENDERER_DIR@ # Jar file used in ptolemy/vergil/pdf PTPDFRENDERER_JAR = @PTPDFRENDERER_JAR@ # Set to psdf and used in $PTII/ptolemy/domains/makefile if # $PTII/lib/mapss.jar was found PTPSDF_DIR = @PTPSDF_DIR@ # PTSVG_DIR is set to svg and used in # $PTII/diva/util/java2d/makefile if Batik SVG jar files were found PTSVG_DIR = @PTSVG_DIR@ # Jar file used by diva/util/java2d/svg/makefile PTSVG_JAR = @PTSVG_JAR@ # Jar files used by the Image Processing library from http://processing.org PTPROCESSING_JARS = @PTPROCESSING_JARS@ # PTPTALON_DIR is set to ptalon and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/actor/makefile if antlr.jar was found. PTPTALON_DIR = @PTPTALON_DIR@ # PTALON_PACKAGES is used in $PTII/doc/makefile PTPTALON_PACKAGES = @PTPTALON_PACKAGES@ # Directory that contains the antlr.jar file, used by ptalon ANTLR_DIR = @ANTLR_DIR@ # Set to quicktime and used in $PTII/ptolemy/domains/gr/lib/makefile if # QuickTime for Java was found. PTQUICKTIME_DIR = @PTQUICKTIME_DIR@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the Quicktime facility # PTQUICKTIME_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTQUICKTIME_PACKAGES = @PTQUICKTIME_PACKAGES@ # PTSPACE_DIR is set to space and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/domains/makefile if ojdbc6.jar was found. PTSPACE_DIR = @PTSPACE_DIR@ # PTSPACEDOMAIN_JAR is the name of the jar file that includes the space # domain if ojdbc6.jar was found. PTSPACEDOMAIN_JAR used in domains/makefile PTSPACEDOMAIN_JAR = @PTSPACEDOMAIN_JAR@ # PTSPACEDOMAIN_PACKAGES is set if ojdbc6.jar was found and # used in ptII/doc/makefile PTSPACEDOMAIN_PACKAGES = @PTSPACEDOMAIN_PACKAGES@ # Set to tini and used in $PTII/ptolemy/apps/makefile if the Dallas Semi # TINI was found PTTINI_DIR = @PTINI_DIR@ # PTTINYOS_DIR is set to ptinyos and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/domains/makefile if TinyOS is found PTTINYOS_DIR = @PTTINYOS_DIR@ # Set to waba and used in $PTII/ptolemy/makefile if the PalmOS WABA was found PTWABA_DIR = @PTWABA_DIR@ # Set to x10 and used in # $PTII/ptolemy/apps/superb/makefile if the X10 jar files were found PTX10_DIR = @PTX10_DIR@ # The location of X10 interface library, defaults to $PTII/vendors/misc/x10 X10_DIR = @X10_DIR@ X10_JAR = @X10_CLASSES@ # Ptolemy II packages that use the X10 facilty. # PTX10_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTX10_PACKAGES = @PTX10_PACKAGES@ # Jar file that contains RXTX Serial Port Interface RXTX_JAR = @RXTX_JAR@ # PTRXTX_PACKAGES is used in ptII/doc/makefile PTRXTX_PACKAGES = @PTRXTX_PACKAGES@ # Location of the diva.jar file. Diva is (among other things) a graph # visualization tool used by some of the demos. For more information, see # http://www-cad.eecs.berkeley.edu/diva/ DIVA_JAR = $(PTII)/lib/diva.jar # JSAT jar location MESCAL_DEPEND_JAR = $(PTII)/mescal/lib/jsat.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTII)/mescal/lib/mescal_java_cup.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(SOOT_CLASSES)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTII)/mescal/lib/chloe.jar # Commands used to install scripts and data # Use $(ROOT) instead of $(PTII) for install so that we don't # need to have PTII set under Ptolemy classic when installing Ptplot INSTALL = $(ROOT)/config/install-sh -c INSTALL_PROGRAM = ${INSTALL} INSTALL_DATA = ${INSTALL} -m 644 # Note that CALTROP_JARS should be before SOOT_JARS because # CALTROP_JARS contains java_cup.jar and jasminclasses.jar contains # a version of java cup CALTROP_JARS = $(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(CALTROP_DIR)/ptCal.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(SAXON_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(CALTROP_DIR)/java_cup.jar # The complete classpath, used in ptolemy/configs/test/makefile, doc/makefile and ptolemy/vergil/test/makefile COMPLETE_CLASSPATH = $(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(ANTLR_DIR)/antlr.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTBACKTRACK_ECLIPSE_DOC_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTBSH_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTCOLT_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(RXTX_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(DIVA_JAR)$(CALTROP_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(SOOT_CLASSES)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTFUZZYENGINE_DIR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JAI_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JAVA3D_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JSCLASSPATH)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JINI_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JMF_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTJOGL_JARS)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JOYSTICK_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JYTHON_DIR)/jython.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(KIELER_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(TOOLS_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(QTJAVA_ZIP)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PSDF_DIR)/mapss.jar$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTINYOS_CLASSPATH)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTITEXTPDF_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTJACL_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(PTPDFRENDERER_JAR)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(X10_JAR)