#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" # Convert html files to PostScript by using netscape # # @Author: Christopher Hylands # # @Version: $Id: html2ps 36425 2005-02-28 20:51:43Z cxh $ # # @Copyright (c) 1996-2005 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above # copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies # of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE # PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF # CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, # ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 # COPYRIGHTENDKEY ####################################################################### # # html2ps uses netscape to convert a tree of html files to one PostScript # file. Usage: # html2ps htmlfile PostScriptfile # For example, the following will read in index.html and produce a # PostScript file that contains index.html and all the local html files # referred to by index.html. # html2ps index.html index.ps # This script is used to convert javadoc html output to pdf # so that we can print it out in 2up format. Ideally javadoc would # do this for us. # One method would be to use the mif doclet to generate mif javadoc # output and then use something like a mif2ps script to generate # PostScript. However, this would require that Frame was installed # on the local machine and require some scripting work under Windows # # Potentially useful links: # http://www.geocities.com:0080/SiliconValley/5682/postscript.html # - PostScript utilities # http://www.tdb.uu.se/~jan/html2psug.html - perl html2ps # http://www.easysw.com/htmldoc/ - $99 html2ps utility # This file can be used as a standalone script, without all of tycho, # so it includes ::tycho::expandPath # Create the tycho namespace namespace eval ::tycho {} ##################################################################### #### psConcat # Concatenate a bunch of PostScript files into one file. # This probably only works with PostScript produced by netscape. # Typical usage is: # psConcat out.ps [glob *.html] # proc psConcat { outfile files} { # Flag that is set to true if we have the header set haveHeader 0 # Page count set pageNum 1 # The idea is that we read in the header of the first file and copy # it to the output. Then we copy the body of the first file, # but skip the %%EOF # Then, for each successive file, we copy the body of the file # and increment the page count set outfd [open $outfile w] foreach infile $files { set sawEndProlog 0 if [catch {set infd [open $infile r]} errmsg] { puts "failed to open $infile:\n $errmsg" continue } while {![eof $infd]} { set line [gets $infd] if !$haveHeader { # Print out the header puts $outfd $line if [regexp {%%EndProlog} $line] { set haveHeader 1 set sawEndProlog 1 } } elseif [regexp {%%EndProlog} $line] { set sawEndProlog 1 } elseif $sawEndProlog { if {[regexp {%%Page} $line ]} { puts $outfd "%%Page: $pageNum $pageNum" incr pageNum } elseif {![regexp {%%EOF} $line ]} { puts $outfd $line } } } close $infd } puts $outfd "%%EOF" close $outfd } ######################################################################## #### expandPath # Expand a filename, returning an absolute filename with the complete path. # The argument might begin with an environment variable, a # global Tcl variable, or a reference to a user's home directory. If # the argument begins with a dollar sign ($), then everything up to # the first slash is taken to be a variable name. If an environment # variable exists with that name, then the dollar sign and the variable # name are replaced with the value of the environment variable. For # example, if the value of of the environment variable TYCHO is # /usr/tools/tycho, then #
#     ::tycho::expandPath \$TYCHO/tmp
# returns /usr/tools/tycho/tmp. If there is no such environment # variable, but a global Tcl variable with the given name exists, then # the value of that variable is substituted. If no such variable is # defined as well, then an error is reported. Similarly, "~user/foo" # will be expanded (on Unix systems) to "/users/user/foo", assuming # that "user" has his or her home directory at "/users/user". If there # is no user named "user", or we are not on a Unix system, then an # error is reported. In all cases, any extra spaces at the beginning or # the end of the given path are removed. Moreover, filenames are # normalized before being returned. Symbolic links are followed, as are # fields in the path like "/../". Thus, any two references to the same # path should return the same string. # # Formerly, this procedure was in File.itcl, but it was moved so that it # could be used in scripts that use itclsh, which does not have windows.# # proc ::tycho::expandPath { path } { set path [string trim $path] if {[string first \$ $path] == 0} { global ::env set slash [string first / $path] if {$slash > 0} { set envvar [string range $path 1 [expr {$slash-1}]] } { set envvar [string range $path 1 end] } if [info exists env($envvar)] { set envval $env($envvar) } elseif [uplevel #0 info exists $envvar] { global $envvar set envval [set $envvar] } else { # No such variable. error "No such variable: $envvar" } if {$slash > 0} { set path [format "%s%s" $envval [string range $path $slash end]] } { set path $envval } } elseif {[string first ~ $path] == 0} { if [catch {set path [glob $path]}] { # glob failed. Possibly the file does not exist. set dir [file dirname $path] if [catch {set dir [glob $dir]}] { error "Directory does not exist: $dir" } set tail [file tail $path] set path "$dir/$tail" } } # Get a consistent filename using "cd". Note that this may not work # on non-Unix machines. The catch is in case the directory does not # exist. catch { set savedir [pwd] # If the filename itself is a directory, normalize it if [file isdirectory $path] { cd $path set path [pwd] } { cd [file dirname $path] set path [format "%s/%s" [pwd] [file tail $path]] } cd $savedir } return $path } ##################################################################### #### htmlGetTitle # Return the HTML title of a file, if it exist. # If it does not contain a title, then return the empty string # proc htmlGetTitle {htmlfile} { set fd [open $htmlfile r] while {![eof $fd]} { set line [gets $fd] if [regexp -nocase {(.*)} $line dummy tag ] { close $fd if [regexp -nocase {(.*)} $tag dummy newtag ] { return $newtag } else { return $tag } } } close $fd return {} } ############################################################################## #### rm # Remove a file # FIXME: In tcl7.6, this should go away # proc ::tycho::rm { args } { global tcl_platform if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } { # Unix-ism eval exec rm $args } } ##################################################################### #### html2ps # Use netscape to convert html to PostScript # Typical Usage: #
# html2ps [glob $TYCHO/doc/*html]
# proc html2ps {filelist} { set numfiles [llength $filelist] foreach file $filelist { # count down to 0 to give the user something to look at puts -nonewline " $numfiles" incr numfiles -1 flush stdout # If the file starts with 'http', then just open it # If the file starts with a slash '/', then prepend file:// # If the file starts with anything else, then prepend file:///$PWD/ switch -regexp -- $file \ ^http {set urlfile $file} \ ^/ {set urlfile "file://$file"} \ default {set urlfile "file://[pwd]/$file"} # File to save as. If we don't specify a absolute path, # then the ps file will end up in either the the directory where # netscape started, or the home directory switch -regexp -- $file \ ^http {set printfile "[file tail $file].ps"} \ ^/ {set printfile "$file.ps"} \ default {set printfile "[pwd]/$file.ps"} #puts "$urlfile $printfile" if [catch {exec netscape -remote "openURL($urlfile)"} errMsg ] { puts "\nCall to netscape failed to \nopen `$urlfile',\n\ perhaps netscape is not running?:\n $errMsg\n\ About to try starting netscape by hand." exec netscape & #FIXME: we should do this with the tcl clock command exec sleep 10 } if [catch {exec netscape -remote "saveas($printfile,PostScript)"} \ errMsg] { puts "Call to netscape to saveas `$printfile' failed:\n$errMsg" } } } ##################################################################### #### htmlByDir # Given a list of directories, return a list of all the html files. # If there is an index.html file present in a directory, then we place that # at the front of the list of files in that directory. # # A good way to find html directories is: # find . \( -name html_library -o -name -o -name adm -o -name codeDoc -o -name devel -o -name itclhtml \) -prune -o -name "*.htm*" -exec dirname {} \; | sort -u # proc htmlByDir {htmldirlist} { global filesSeen if {[llength $htmldirlist] == 0 } { error "html2ps: internal error, htmlByDir was passed an empty list" } foreach htmldir $htmldirlist { set dircontents [glob -nocomplain \ [file join $htmldir *.html] \ [file join $htmldir *.htm]] # Place index.htm* at the start of the list of files for this dir set indexindex [lsearch -regexp $dircontents {.*index.htm(l)?}] if { $indexindex == -1 } { lappend filesSeen $dircontents } else { set index [lindex $dircontents $indexindex] puts "Processing $index" cd [file dirname $index] lappend filesSeen [::tycho::expandPath $index] htmlLinks $index 0 {} 0 #set dircontents [lreplace $dircontents $indexindex $indexindex] #lappend filesSeen $index $dircontents } } set filesSeen [join $filesSeen] } ##################################################################### #### htmlLinks # Given a html file, return a list of the links # proc htmlLinks {htmlfile {depth 0} {dagfd {}} {recurse 1}} { global filesSeen if {$depth > 100} { error "htmlLinks reached a maximum depth of $depth\n\ filesSeen was: $filesSeen" } set taglist {} # Read in the index file, generate list of links set fd [open $htmlfile r] while {![eof $fd]} { set line [gets $fd] # FIXME: this could be fooled if the
# htmlTree2ps $TYCHO/doc/index.html index.ps
# proc htmlTree2ps {indexfile psfile args} { puts "dbg: htmlTree2ps: $indexfile $psfile $args" global filesSeen set filesSeen {} set startingDir [pwd] # If we are printing by directory, set printbydir set printbydir 0 if {$args != {} } { set printbydir 1 } if $printbydir { puts "About to traverse all directories:\n $args" puts " and generate $psfile" htmlByDir $args } else { puts "About to traverse all local files linked from\n $indexfile" puts " and generate $psfile" flush stdout update # Insert the index file set filesSeen [linsert $filesSeen 0 $indexfile] cd [file dirname $indexfile] htmlLinks $indexfile } puts " Done ([llength $filesSeen] files seen)" #puts "$filesSeen" flush stdout update set pslist {} foreach tag $filesSeen { lappend pslist "$tag.ps" } puts "About to remove old PostScript" flush stdout update if { $pslist != {} } { eval ::tycho::rm -f $pslist #eval file delete -force $pslist } puts "About to generate PostScript" flush stdout update html2ps $filesSeen cd $startingDir puts "\nAbout to generate concat PostScript into [file join [pwd] $psfile]" flush stdout update psConcat $psfile $pslist if { $pslist != {} } { eval ::tycho::rm -f $pslist #eval file delete -force $pslist } } ##################################################################### #### addToDAG # Add the links proc addToDAG {dagfd htmlfile link} { global daglist lappend daglist($link) $htmlfile #puts "--$htmlfile, $daglist($link), $link--" } ##################################################################### #### html2DAG # Given a html file, generate a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that # consists of all of the files that have links to them. # proc html2DAG {indexfile dagfile} { global filesSeen set filesSeen {} puts "About to traverse all local files linked from\n $indexfile" puts " and generate $dagfile" flush stdout update # If the file exists and is not writable, then remove it, # it might be a link to the master tree. if {[file exists $dagfile] && \ ! [file writable $dagfile]} { file delete -force $dagfile } set dagfd [open $dagfile w] puts $dagfd "{configure -canvasheight 600} {configure -canvaswidth 800}" puts $dagfd "{titleSet title {HTML links for [file dirname $indexfile]}}" puts $dagfd "{titleSet subtitle {created: [clock format [clock clicks]]}}" # Don't cd until after the output file is open cd [file dirname $indexfile] # Start at depth 0, generate a dag puts [htmlLinks $indexfile 0 $dagfd] # puts $dagfd "\{add \{[::tycho::expandPath $indexfile]\} \ # \{label \{[::tycho::expandPath $indexfile]\}\} \{\}\}" global daglist foreach dagitem [array names daglist] { set title [htmlGetTitle $dagitem] if { $title == {} } { set title [file tail $dagitem] } puts $dagfd "\{add \{$dagitem\} \{label \{$title\} \ link \{$dagitem \{\}\}\} \{$daglist($dagitem)\}\}" } close $dagfd } ##################################################################### #### html2psProcessArgs # Process argv # proc html2psProcessArgs {} { global argc argv env set error 0 if {$argc < 2 } { puts "html2ps: wrong number of arguments" set error 1 } if { $argc >= 3 } { set commandarg [lindex $argv 0] set indexfile [lindex $argv 1] set outputfile [lindex $argv 2] } else { set indexfile [lindex $argv 0] set outputfile [lindex $argv 1] } if {![file readable $indexfile]} { puts "html2ps: $indexfile is not readable" set error 1 } # Check for -d in the first arg if { $argc == 3 && $commandarg != "-d" && $commandarg != "-dag" } { puts "html2ps: $commandarg not understood, it must be -d or -dag" set error 1 } else { set error 0 } if {$error} { puts "Usage: html2ps \[-d\] \[-dag\] \[htmldirs\]" puts " This script uses netscape to convert an html tree to PostScript" puts " or it can generate a Tycho Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)." puts " -dag Produce a DAG" puts " -d Collect html files from the htmldirs args" puts " If the -d option is not present, then all of the local links" puts " in the html file are followed, and added to the" puts " PostScript file in a depth first order." exit } switch $argc { 2 { htmlTree2ps $indexfile $outputfile } 3 { if {"$commandarg" == "-dag" } { html2DAG $indexfile $outputfile } else { if {"$commandarg" == "-d" } { set outputfile [lindex $argv 1] set inputdirectory [lindex $argv 2] eval htmlTree2ps dummy $outputfile $inputdirectory } else { error "html2ps: don't understand $commandarg, exiting." } } } default { if {"$commandarg" != "-d" } { error "html2ps: usage: html2ps -d htmlfile outputfile directories " } set outputfile [lindex $argv 1] eval htmlTree2ps dummy $outputfile [lrange $argv 2 end] } } } # If we are not in an interactive tclsh, then call processArgs # By doing this, we make it possible to source this file and then # call htmlTree2ps by hand for testing if {$tcl_interactive != 1 } { html2psProcessArgs }