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Dataflow workgroup

Spring 2011:

Schedule and topics to be decided. Initial topics:

Other topics that we didn't get to look at in 2010:

Fall 2010: general theme: Parallelism!

Other potential topics for Fall 2010:

Spring 2010:

List of Topics

  • Verification
    • Firing vs Reachability - Connection between reachability in state machines vs fireability in dataflow model (prove that evil actor never fires) - eal
    • Questions on algorithms - decidability questions, specifically for "timed" dataflow models (like DE) - stavros
    • System theory for dataflow - compositionality and abstraction - stavros
  • Multicore issue
    • Dataflow as a software component architectures vs StreamIt (programming language for multicore) - eal
  • C+++++
    • develop textual syntax in C or C++ to support actor oriented language - eal
  • Multidimensional dataflow (Thales)
    • Handling shared data structures in dataflow models (arrays, GR, reactable) - eal
  • Expressiveness + indeterminacy - mark
    • Beyond the turning complete expression
    • Reactive process networks - mark
  • Performance / Prediction / Timing / Resource allocation
  • Beyond HDF
    • Some applications that you can't model with HDF which are relevant. Can we find a conservative answer? - Maarten
    • HDF foundation as a programming model? Is there a variant that is modular with the same attractive properties? Can be used in programming languages? - eal
  • Role of Time in Dataflow
  • Review of KPN, BDF, HDF, SDF, DE
  • Deeper understanding of research from
    • Maarten
    • Mark
    • Eleftherios
  • Maybe this is interesting: http://boom.cs.berkeley.edu/
  • Other possibilities (beyond those mentioned in the topics list above):
