
Freescale Triax

Edward suggested the Freescale Triax

Getting started with the Triax

  1. Insert the cd
  2. Turn on the Triax
  3. Click on the GUI software. This will download it. Or, browse the CD
  4. The Triax will likely be on COM1

Programming the Triax

  • Traix07 Assembler Includes details about protocol
  • Commands that can be used (from the Triax07.asm file
    ;TRIAX07.asm RB25Sep03 (For use with TRIAX2.4 or later revisions)
    ;---------------------- At RESET
    ; ========
    ; A: if S2 pressed for <3s, runs most recent Application 1-3 (pointed to by FLASH byte NApp)
    ; B: if S2 pressed for >3s, beeps for 1s and then runs FreeFall
    ; C: if S2 not pressed, starts communication with PC at 38,400 bauds and...
    ; - If S2 presssed after Reset and before Handshake,
    ; then goes into Sample Mode (X&Y 100x/s 40.96s)
    ; - Handshake= waits for 'R' then responds with 'N' ('M' for <TRIAX06) and beeps once
    ; - once Handshake established, waits for one of the following
    ; 'V': sends 6 bytes = 'x',Xval,'y',Yval,'z',Zva
    ; 'F': sends 2050 bytes = 'A', Zval x 2048, 'Z' (2048 readings in 1s)
    ; 'G': sends 2050 bytes = 'A', Yval x 2048, 'Z' (2048 readings in 1s)
    ; 'H': sends 2050 bytes = 'A', Xval x 2048, 'Z' (2048 readings in 1s)
    ; 'K': sends 9 calibration bytes = 'X',Xoff,Xmax,'Y',Yoff,Ymax,'Z',Zoff,Zm
    ; 'k': waits for 'k' + 6 cal bytes (Xoff,Xmax,Yoff,Ymax,Zoff,Zmax) ---> flag
    ; '0': runs App0 (FreeFall)
    ; '1': runs App1 (Shock Detection); remembers App1 as last App
    ; '2': runs App2 (Anti-Theft); remembers App2 as last App
    ; '3': runs App3 (Battery Saver); remembers App3 as last App
    ; 'E': waits for AdrH & AdrL and returns EEPROM content at that address
    ; 'W': waits for AdrH & AdrL & Data and stores byte at that address
