Main.Zstar History
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May 08, 2007, at 04:11 PM
by - Serial Port info
Added lines 75-81:
!!!!Multiple versions of the SerialComm actor.
The message is @@PortInUseException: Port owned by Ptolemy@@
* [[http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=503889&messageID=2385614| forum.java.sun.com article about bizarre mention, suggests virtual ports?]]
* [[http://www.particle.kth.se/~lindsey/JavaCourse/Book/Part3/Chapter23/commPortsOps.html | Notes about port ownership]]
* [[http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/ | Java Com API]]
The message is @@PortInUseException: Port owned by Ptolemy@@
* [[http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=503889&messageID=2385614| forum.java.sun.com article about bizarre mention, suggests virtual ports?]]
* [[http://www.particle.kth.se/~lindsey/JavaCourse/Book/Part3/Chapter23/commPortsOps.html | Notes about port ownership]]
* [[http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/ | Java Com API]]
Added line 88:
** Replace the battery, it is probably weak. ''This was our problem''
Added lines 51-55:
* To connect via Windows, use HyperTerminal
** Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal
** In the @@New Connection@@ window, enter any name and then hit @@OK@@
** In the @@Connect To@@ window, go to the @@Connect Using@@ window and select your comm port, such as @@COM2@@
** Change the @@Bits per second@@ to @@38400@@
** Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> HyperTerminal
** In the @@New Connection@@ window, enter any name and then hit @@OK@@
** In the @@Connect To@@ window, go to the @@Connect Using@@ window and select your comm port, such as @@COM2@@
** Change the @@Bits per second@@ to @@38400@@
Added line 8:
Added line 11:
* The remote uses a CR2032 Lithium Battery
Added line 14:
Changed line 50 from:
Section 5.1 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol.
Section 5.4 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol.
Changed lines 60-65 from:
There is a model in the eecs124 [[CVS]] repository as @@eecs124/src/zstar/ptolemy/ZstarDisplay.xml@@. This model uses Ptolemy II SerialComm actor to connect to the serial port and display the results. However, it has problems:
* The data is unchanging.
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
* The data is unchanging.
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
There is a model in the eecs124 [[CVS]] repository as @@eecs124/src/zstar/ptolemy/ZstarDisplay.xml@@. This model uses Ptolemy II SerialComm actor to connect to the serial port and display the results.
Added lines 67-74:
!!! Zstar problems
* The data is unchanging.
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
** [[http://forums.freescale.com/freescale/search?board_id=8BITCOMM&submitted=true&q=zstar | See the freescale 8bit forum]]
*** [[http://forums.freescale.com/freescale/board/message?board.id=8BITCOMM&message.id=5642&query.id=23578#M5642 | Try selecting a different channel]] Using the @@U@@ command from hyperterminal to turn on debugging.
* The data is unchanging.
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
** [[http://forums.freescale.com/freescale/search?board_id=8BITCOMM&submitted=true&q=zstar | See the freescale 8bit forum]]
*** [[http://forums.freescale.com/freescale/board/message?board.id=8BITCOMM&message.id=5642&query.id=23578#M5642 | Try selecting a different channel]] Using the @@U@@ command from hyperterminal to turn on debugging.
Changed lines 61-62 from:
* The data is unchanging. Rebooting does not help. Perhaps the device is broken?
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire"
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire
* The data is unchanging.
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire".
** Try rerunning the model
** Use @@rV@@ to put the device in Zstar mode and get back 16 bit data.
@@eecs124/src/zstar/ptolemy/ZstarPlot.xml@@ will plot the data!
** Try rebooting.
** Unplug and plug the USB back in. It may help to wait?
** Try running the demo that comes with the model
** Take the battery out and put it back in
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire".
** Try rerunning the model
** Use @@rV@@ to put the device in Zstar mode and get back 16 bit data.
@@eecs124/src/zstar/ptolemy/ZstarPlot.xml@@ will plot the data!
Added lines 60-63:
There is a model in the eecs124 [[CVS]] repository as @@eecs124/src/zstar/ptolemy/ZstarDisplay.xml@@. This model uses Ptolemy II SerialComm actor to connect to the serial port and display the results. However, it has problems:
* The data is unchanging. Rebooting does not help. Perhaps the device is broken?
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire"
!!!!Other programming resources
* The data is unchanging. Rebooting does not help. Perhaps the device is broken?
* Sometimes the model has "Actor not ready to fire"
!!!!Other programming resources
May 02, 2007, at 08:30 AM
by - Serial notes
Changed lines 46-47 from:
!!!! Zstar serial protocol
Section 5.1 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol.
* Send a @@R@@, get an @@N@@ back - Communication Handshake
* Send a @@r@@, get an @@Z@@ back - Getting a @@Z@@ indicates that a Zstar is connected, not a Star.
* Send a @@V@@, get back x,y,z data
-->The PC sends the Values ‘V’ command, the demo responds with 6 bytes (or 9 bytes in 16-bit mode) in the following sequence: 'x', X-value, 'y', Y-value, 'z', Z-value, simply an ‘x’ character followed by the actual X-axis accelerometer binary value, then a ‘y’ followed by the actual Y-axis accelerometer binary value and a ‘z’ followed by the actual Z-axis accelerometer binary value. Since the ZSTAR demo caches the last (over the air) (:source:)
transmitted values, these values are immediately provided to the PC.
* Send a @@v@@, get back x, y, z, buttons, raw temperature, raw bandgap.
* Send an @@I@@, get back info (:source:)
$Date: Sep-5-2006$
$Author: r30323$(:sourceend:)
* Send a @@U@@, turn on debugging, send a @@u@@ to turn it off.
Section 5.1 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol.
* Send a @@R@@, get an @@N@@ back - Communication Handshake
* Send a @@r@@, get an @@Z@@ back - Getting a @@Z@@ indicates that a Zstar is connected, not a Star.
* Send a @@V@@, get back x,y,z data
-->The PC sends the Values ‘V’ command, the demo responds with 6 bytes (or 9 bytes in 16-bit mode) in the following sequence: 'x', X-value, 'y', Y-value, 'z', Z-value, simply an ‘x’ character followed by the actual X-axis accelerometer binary value, then a ‘y’ followed by the actual Y-axis accelerometer binary value and a ‘z’ followed by the actual Z-axis accelerometer binary value. Since the ZSTAR demo caches the last (over the air) (:source:)
transmitted values, these values are immediately provided to the PC.
* Send a @@v@@, get back x, y, z, buttons, raw temperature, raw bandgap.
* Send an @@I@@, get back info (:source:)
$Date: Sep-5-2006$
$Author: r30323$(:sourceend:)
* Send a @@U@@, turn on debugging, send a @@u@@ to turn it off.
May 02, 2007, at 08:11 AM
by - How to program
Added lines 38-51:
!!! Programming the Zstar
!!!! Programming the Sensor Board
[[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] says
-->3.4.3 BDM (Background Debug Mode) Connections
-->A J2 connector is a non-standard footprint primarily intended for in-factory programming and testing via “spring-needle” type of connections. The J2 connector carries all standard signals for Background Debug Mode communication so if required, one may solder wires and a standard 2x3 pins 2.54mm (100mil) pitch header for regular BDM re-programming. The pin numbering is shown on Figure 3-5
Chapter 5, "Software Design", of the [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC). See also the [[http://www.freescale.com/files/rf_if/doc/user_guide/SMACRM.pdf | Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC) User's Guide]]
Section 5.1 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/app_note/AN2295.pdf | AN2295 - Developer's Serial Bootloader for M68HC08 and HCS08 MCUs]] - Creating a boot loader
* Source code is available on the CD or via [[https://www.freescale.com/webapp/Download?colCode=ZSTAR_CODEWARRIOR_SOFTWARE.ZIP&prodCode=RD3152MMA7260Q&nodeId=016246NG0S7066&appType=license&location=psp | Source files for Emitter and USB boards (CodeWarrior 3.1 or 5.1) ]]
!!!! Programming the Sensor Board
[[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] says
-->3.4.3 BDM (Background Debug Mode) Connections
-->A J2 connector is a non-standard footprint primarily intended for in-factory programming and testing via “spring-needle” type of connections. The J2 connector carries all standard signals for Background Debug Mode communication so if required, one may solder wires and a standard 2x3 pins 2.54mm (100mil) pitch header for regular BDM re-programming. The pin numbering is shown on Figure 3-5
Chapter 5, "Software Design", of the [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC). See also the [[http://www.freescale.com/files/rf_if/doc/user_guide/SMACRM.pdf | Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC) User's Guide]]
Section 5.1 of [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/ref_manual/ZSTARRM.pdf | @@ZSTARRM@@ - Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Manual]] discusses the serial protocol
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/app_note/AN2295.pdf | AN2295 - Developer's Serial Bootloader for M68HC08 and HCS08 MCUs]] - Creating a boot loader
* Source code is available on the CD or via [[https://www.freescale.com/webapp/Download?colCode=ZSTAR_CODEWARRIOR_SOFTWARE.ZIP&prodCode=RD3152MMA7260Q&nodeId=016246NG0S7066&appType=license&location=psp | Source files for Emitter and USB boards (CodeWarrior 3.1 or 5.1) ]]
May 02, 2007, at 07:43 AM
by - Java
Changed lines 22-38 from:
The game runs on a simulator of a cell phone, which requires version 2.2 of the j2me: [[http://java.sun.com/products/j2mewtoolkit/download-2_2.html]].
The application consists of a jar file that has many images and a few classes. The classes have been obfuscated, but [[http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html | jad]], the Java Decompiler shows that @@c.class@@ contains (:source lang=java:)
public static boolean a(int i1)
String s1 = "comm:com" + i1
+ ";baudrate=38400;parity=none;bitsperchar=8;blocking=off;autocts=on;autorts=on";
byte byte0 = 0;
a_javax_microedition_io_CommConnection_static_fld =
a_java_io_DataInputStream_static_fld =
(:sourceend:) Presumably, we could write a Ptolemy actor to connect to the serial port and grab data.
!!! Other Local Wiki Pages
The application consists of a jar file that has many images and a few classes. The classes have been obfuscated, but [[http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html | jad]], the Java Decompiler shows that @@c.class@@ contains (:source lang=java:)
public static boolean a(int i1)
String s1 = "comm:com" + i1
+ ";baudrate=38400;parity=none;bitsperchar=8;blocking=off;autocts=on;autorts=on";
byte byte0 = 0;
a_javax_microedition_io_CommConnection_static_fld =
a_java_io_DataInputStream_static_fld =
(:sourceend:) Presumably, we could write a Ptolemy actor to connect to the serial port and grab data.
!!! Other Local Wiki Pages
Changed line 8 from:
!!!MMA7260QT 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor*
!!!MMA7260QT 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor
Added lines 12-22:
!!! Using the Zstar
# Insert the CD, which will bring up a web page
# Read the @@ZSTAR Reference Design Demo Quick Start@@
# Plug the USB Device in
# When prompted for drivers, select @@Advanced@@ and then browse to @@D:\Drivers@@
# I had to change my port to @@COM2@@
# To start the demo, go back to the web page that came up and click on @@ZSTAR GUI@@
!!! Java and the Zstar
On the CD there is @@D:\ZSTAR_files\Java-games@@. See the README.txt file.
# Install [[http://java.sun.com/products/j2mewtoolkit/download-2_2.html]]
# Insert the CD, which will bring up a web page
# Read the @@ZSTAR Reference Design Demo Quick Start@@
# Plug the USB Device in
# When prompted for drivers, select @@Advanced@@ and then browse to @@D:\Drivers@@
# I had to change my port to @@COM2@@
# To start the demo, go back to the web page that came up and click on @@ZSTAR GUI@@
!!! Java and the Zstar
On the CD there is @@D:\ZSTAR_files\Java-games@@. See the README.txt file.
# Install [[http://java.sun.com/products/j2mewtoolkit/download-2_2.html]]
Deleted line 4:
Added lines 8-11:
!!!MMA7260QT 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor*
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MMA7260QT| MMA7260QT]] 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3109.pdf | AN3109: Using the Multi-Axis g-Select Evaluation Boards]] discusses using development boards that are separate from the Zstar. These development boards are available for about $37 from [[http://www.mouser.com/catalog/629/243.pdf | Mouser]]
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MMA7260QT| MMA7260QT]] 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3109.pdf | AN3109: Using the Multi-Axis g-Select Evaluation Boards]] discusses using development boards that are separate from the Zstar. These development boards are available for about $37 from [[http://www.mouser.com/catalog/629/243.pdf | Mouser]]
Changed lines 7-8 from:
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MC13191&nodeId=01752003088166 | MC13191]] 2.4 GHz, Low Power Transceiver
Changed lines 2-3 from:
We have a Freescale Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Design (ZSTAR). These list for about $100, we can probably get them for less.
We have a Freescale Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Design (ZSTAR). This is two boards connected by a radio. The reference design lists for about $100, we can probably get them for less.
May 01, 2007, at 06:32 PM
by - Links to zstar
Added lines 1-8:
!! Freescale ZSTAR
We have a Freescale Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Design (ZSTAR). These list for about $100, we can probably get them for less.
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=RD3152MMA7260Q | Freescale site for the ZSTAR]]
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MMA7260QT| MMA7260QT]] 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/data_sheet/MC9S08QG8.pdf | MC9S08QG8]] CPU: 8 bit, 8K flash, 512 bytes RAM
* [[Accelerometers]]
We have a Freescale Wireless Sensing Triple Axis Reference Design (ZSTAR). These list for about $100, we can probably get them for less.
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=RD3152MMA7260Q | Freescale site for the ZSTAR]]
* [[http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MMA7260QT| MMA7260QT]] 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor
* [[http://www.freescale.com/files/microcontrollers/doc/data_sheet/MC9S08QG8.pdf | MC9S08QG8]] CPU: 8 bit, 8K flash, 512 bytes RAM
* [[Accelerometers]]