
Ptolemy Conferences
Group information  
Group name ptconf
Title Ptolemy Conferences
Summary People that attend Ptolemy miniconferences.
Description The ptconf workgroup is for people who attend Ptolemy Miniconferences. Membership in this workgroup is open to anyone who is interested in attending a Ptolemy Miniconference. The purpose of this workgroup is to make it easier to manage contact information for registration. If you are interested in Ptolemy, you might also be interested in the ptexternal workgroup, which is for offsite Ptolemy II developers.
  • CHESS Account Request Page
  • February 13, 2007 Ptolemy Miniconference website
  • February 13, 2007 Miniconference Registration Page
  • Group type Software project Special interest group Administrative group
    People involved in this group  
    Administrators Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
    Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
    Members Maribel Acosta macosta
    Elisabetta Alfonsetti Elisabetta
    Zahid M Ali zahidali
    Manish Anand maanand
    Philip Asare asare
    Nikunj Bajaj nikunj.bajaj
    Giacomo Barbieri BarbieriG
    Christopher Barteau InnerClass
    Vagelis Bebelis vagelis.bebelis
    Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
    Gongjing Cao gongjing
    Li-Kuan Alex chen alkchen
    Jeff Correll Jeff.Correll
    Andrew Dixon spinlock
    Dionisio Doering ddoering
    Lei Dou, Ph.D. lei
    Davide Dozza, PhD ddozza
    Shuhei Emoto syuuhei
    Name hidden by user
    Fred Furtek fredfurtek
    Geroncio Galicia rgalicia
    Name hidden by user
    Lederman Gil gilled
    Paolo Giusto giustopaolo
    Name hidden by user rgonzalezricardo@gmail.com
    Krishna Gorrepati krisgo
    Louisa Guise ljguise
    Supriya Gulati Supriya
    Matin Hashemi matinhashemi
    Curtis Heisey CurtisHeisey
    Graham Hellestrand hell
    Lt. Timothy Holzman Timothy.Holzmann
    Brian Hudson hudsonb
    Antonio Iannopollo iannopollo
    Yuki Ikeda yuuki_ikeda
    Inigo Incer inigo
    Maria Indrawan mindrawan
    Takahide Inoue Takahide
    Muzaffer Kal muzafferkal
    Alan Kamas alan_kamas
    Jean-François Kempf, Ph.D kempf.jf
    Eric S. Kim eskim
    Name hidden by user
    Darryl Koivisto dkoivisto
    Sunil Kothari, Ph.D. sunkot
    Kimmo Kuusilinna kimmo
    Ben Leinfelder leinfelder
    Xuan Li xuanli
    Scott Livingston slivingston
    James Lundblad jlundblad
    Gabor Madl, Ph.D. madl
    Munehiko Maeda munehiko_maeda.ihi
    Sadia Malik sadiam
    Mike Manno manno
    Hiroki Matsuoka hiroki_matsuoka.ihi
    Aime Mokhoo Mbobi, Ph.D mbobi
    Kendel M. McCarley kendel
    Name hidden by user
    Richard Morin Rich_Morin rdm@cfcl.com
    Gianpiero Napoli gianpiero
    Anne Ngu annehngu
    Mai Nguyen mhnsan
    Kazumichi Okajima kazumichi_okajima.ihi
    Richard D. Pacheco rpaczeko
    Marcus Pan mpanj
    Paul Pazandak, Ph.D. pazandak
    Robert Petersen BobPetersen
    Jose Luis Pino joseluispino
    Norbert Podhorszki, PhD pnorbert
    Amanda Prorok, PhD prorok
    Michael Rauser mrauser
    Stefan Resmerita, PhD. stefanres
    Capt. Matthew (J.D.) Robbins Matthew.Robbins
    Mohamed Salem, Eng. mosalem2003
    Horst Salzwedel horsts
    Nimish Sane nsane
    Faraaz Sareshwala faraazs
    Kamran Shah kamrans
    Deepak Shankar dshankar
    Jason Smith Jason.E.Smith
    Xavier Snelgrove wxs
    Name hidden by user brad_stenger@wiredmag.com
    Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
    Aaron Stibich astibich
    Kurt Stockinger, Ph.D. KStockinger
    Andreas Thuy athuy
    Rodolfo Totaro rtotaro
    Duarte Vieira duarte
    Jianwu Wang, Ph.D. jianwu
    Christopher Weed cweed
    Mathias Weske weske
    Frank White fwhite
    Sune Wolff, M.Sc. Sune
    Ustun Yildiz ustunyildiz
    Kawano Yukihiro yukihiro_kawano.ihi
    Bob Zeidman zeidman
    Yan Zhao yan2000
    Yang Zhao ellen_zh
    Xiangrong Zhou xrzhou
    Daniel Zinn q
    Guests Joe Buck jbuck
    Wei Huang huangwillic
    Sue Rho SueRho
    Jeffery Truong jeffery.truong
    Group configuration  
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