
The ACROSS MPSoC: A New Generation of Multi-Core Processors Designed for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems
Armin Wasicek

Armin Wasicek. "The ACROSS MPSoC: A New Generation of Multi-Core Processors Designed for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems". Talk or presentation, 24, September, 2013.

The ACROSS MPSoC represent the latest milestone in a research line to develop a dependable Multi-Core Processor platform that can host mixed-criticality applications with hard-real time constraints. The technical key innovation is a time-triggered Network-on-a-Chip (TTNoC), which provides temporal determinism and temporal and spatial partitioning. The ACROSS MPSoC supports applications up to the highest criticality classes, and facilitates efficient mixed-criticality integration and certification. In this talk, we will present the guiding design principles of the TTNoC that are inherited from the Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA). Next, we will show how these core concepts solve some of the issues that current multi-core architectures suffer in the real-time domain.

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  • HTML
    Armin Wasicek. <a
    ><i>The ACROSS MPSoC: A New Generation of
    Multi-Core Processors Designed for Safety-Critical Embedded
    Systems</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  24,
    September, 2013.
  • Plain text
    Armin Wasicek. "The ACROSS MPSoC: A New Generation of
    Multi-Core Processors Designed for Safety-Critical Embedded
    Systems". Talk or presentation,  24, September, 2013.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Armin Wasicek},
        title = {The ACROSS MPSoC: A New Generation of Multi-Core
                  Processors Designed for Safety-Critical Embedded
        day = {24},
        month = {September},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {The ACROSS MPSoC represent the latest milestone in
                  a research line to develop a dependable Multi-Core
                  Processor platform that can host mixed-criticality
                  applications with hard-real time constraints. The
                  technical key innovation is a time-triggered
                  Network-on-a-Chip (TTNoC), which provides temporal
                  determinism and temporal and spatial partitioning.
                  The ACROSS MPSoC supports applications up to the
                  highest criticality classes, and facilitates
                  efficient mixed-criticality integration and
                  certification. In this talk, we will present the
                  guiding design principles of the TTNoC that are
                  inherited from the Time-Triggered Architecture
                  (TTA). Next, we will show how these core concepts
                  solve some of the issues that current multi-core
                  architectures suffer in the real-time domain.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1018.html}

Posted by Armin Wasicek on 24 Sep 2013.
Groups: chessworkshop
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