
Precision Timed Compilers
David Broman

David Broman. "Precision Timed Compilers". Talk or presentation, 7, November, 2013; Presented at the 10th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Berkeley.

Precise control of execution time is vital when designing cyber-physical systems; the time it takes to compute a specific task is a correctness criterion, not just a performance factor. The notion of timing is, however, not part of typical implementation languages used in embedded system development. Instead, the timing behavior of a system is determined by the realization on a specific hardware platform and not by the semantics of the software. As a consequence, porting timing dependent software is hard, requiring platform dependent software modifications and comprehensive verification and testing. This talk discusses an ongoing effort of incorporating real-time as part of the software semantics. The key challenge is the development of a precision timed compiler, where the source language includes timing constructs for expressing both hard and soft real-time constraints and the compiler verifies that these timing constraints are met.

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  • HTML
    David Broman. <a
    Timed Compilers</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    7, November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • Plain text
    David Broman. "Precision Timed Compilers". Talk or
    presentation,  7, November, 2013; Presented at the <a
    href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
    Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.
  • BibTeX
        author = {David Broman},
        title = {Precision Timed Compilers},
        day = {7},
        month = {November},
        year = {2013},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  href="http://ptolemy.org/conferences/13" >10th
                  Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>, Berkeley.},
        abstract = { Precise control of execution time is vital when
                  designing cyber-physical systems; the time it
                  takes to compute a specific task is a correctness
                  criterion, not just a performance factor. The
                  notion of timing is, however, not part of typical
                  implementation languages used in embedded system
                  development. Instead, the timing behavior of a
                  system is determined by the realization on a
                  specific hardware platform and not by the
                  semantics of the software. As a consequence,
                  porting timing dependent software is hard,
                  requiring platform dependent software
                  modifications and comprehensive verification and
                  testing. This talk discusses an ongoing effort of
                  incorporating real-time as part of the software
                  semantics. The key challenge is the development of
                  a precision timed compiler, where the source
                  language includes timing constructs for expressing
                  both hard and soft real-time constraints and the
                  compiler verifies that these timing constraints
                  are met. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1028.html}

Posted by Barb Hoversten on 16 Nov 2013.
Groups: chess
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