
Antescofo, a dynamic language for real-time musician-computer interaction
Echeveste Jose

Echeveste Jose. "Antescofo, a dynamic language for real-time musician-computer interaction". Talk or presentation, 15, April, 2014.

This talk focuses on programing of time and interaction in Antescofo, a real-time system for performance coordination between musicians and computer processes during live music performance. To this end, Antescofo relies on artificial machine listening and a domain specific real-time programing language. It extends each paradigm through strong coupling of the two and strong emphasis on temporal semantics and behavior of the system. The challenge in bringing human actions in the loop of computing is strongly related to temporal semantics of the language, and timeliness of live execution despite heterogeneous nature of time in the two mediums. Interaction scenarii are expressed at a symbolic level through the management of musical time (i.e. events like notes or beats in relative tempi) and of the ‘physical’ time (with relationships like succession, delay, duration, speed). Antescofo language features will be presented through a series of real-world music examples which illustrate how to manage execution of different musical processes and their interactions with an external environment. The Antescofo approach has been validated through numerous uses of the system in live electronic performances in contemporary music repertoire by various international music ensembles.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Echeveste Jose. <a
    ><i>Antescofo, a dynamic language for real-time
    musician-computer interaction</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  15, April, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Echeveste Jose. "Antescofo, a dynamic language for
    real-time musician-computer interaction". Talk or
    presentation,  15, April, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Echeveste Jose},
        title = {Antescofo, a dynamic language for real-time
                  musician-computer interaction},
        day = {15},
        month = {April},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {This talk focuses on programing of time and
                  interaction in Antescofo, a real-time system for
                  performance coordination between musicians and
                  computer processes during live music performance.
                  To this end, Antescofo relies on artificial
                  machine listening and a domain specific real-time
                  programing language. It extends each paradigm
                  through strong coupling of the two and strong
                  emphasis on temporal semantics and behavior of the
                  system. The challenge in bringing human actions in
                  the loop of computing is strongly related to
                  temporal semantics of the language, and timeliness
                  of live execution despite heterogeneous nature of
                  time in the two mediums. Interaction scenarii are
                  expressed at a symbolic level through the
                  management of musical time (i.e. events like notes
                  or beats in relative tempi) and of the
                  ‘physical’ time (with relationships like
                  succession, delay, duration, speed). Antescofo
                  language features will be presented through a
                  series of real-world music examples which
                  illustrate how to manage execution of different
                  musical processes and their interactions with an
                  external environment. The Antescofo approach has
                  been validated through numerous uses of the system
                  in live electronic performances in contemporary
                  music repertoire by various international music
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1068.html}

Posted by Armin Wasicek on 23 Apr 2014.
Groups: chessworkshop
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