
New real-time embedded software for an autonomous helicopter system using Giotto
Jongho Lee

Jongho Lee. "New real-time embedded software for an autonomous helicopter system using Giotto". Master's thesis, UC Berkeley, May, 2006.

A new design of embedded software for an autonomous helicopter control system is presented. A helicopter is a practical hard real-time system. Its timing behaviors of embedded software are crucial for safety. Readable and maintainable control software is essential for complex systems. In this thesis, a time-based control domain specific programming language is used to fulfill timing constraints and needs of reusable software. A design procedure along with implementation and flight tests is described for a radio controlled helicopter system.

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  • HTML
    Jongho Lee. <a
    ><i>New real-time embedded software for an
    autonomous helicopter system using
    Giotto</i></a>, Master's thesis,  UC Berkeley,
    May, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Jongho Lee. "New real-time embedded software for an
    autonomous helicopter system using Giotto". Master's
    thesis,  UC Berkeley, May, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jongho Lee},
        title = {New real-time embedded software for an autonomous
                  helicopter system using Giotto},
        school = {UC Berkeley},
        month = {May},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {A new design of embedded software for an
                  autonomous helicopter control system is presented.
                  A helicopter is a practical hard real-time system.
                  Its timing behaviors of embedded software are
                  crucial for safety. Readable and maintainable
                  control software is essential for complex systems.
                  In this thesis, a time-based control domain
                  specific programming language is used to fulfill
                  timing constraints and needs of reusable software.
                  A design procedure along with implementation and
                  flight tests is described for a radio controlled
                  helicopter system.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/109.html}

Posted by Jongho Lee on 15 May 2006.
Groups: chess
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