
Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and Communication Systems (TAACCS)
Marc Weiss, John Eidson, Charles Barry, David Broman, Leon Goldin, Bob Ianucci, Edward A. Lee, Kevin Stanton

Marc Weiss, John Eidson, Charles Barry, David Broman, Leon Goldin, Bob Ianucci, Edward A. Lee, Kevin Stanton. "Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and Communication Systems (TAACCS)". Technical report, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1867, February, 2015; NIST Technical Note 1867.

A new economy built on the massive growth of endpoints on the internet will require precise and verifiable timing in ways that current systems do not support. Applications, computers, and communications systems have been developed with modules and layers that optimize data processing but degrade accurate timing. State-of-the-art systems now use timing only as a performance metric. Correctness of timing as a metric cannot currently be designed into systems independent of hardware and/or software implementations. To enable the massive growth predicted, accurate timing needs cross-disciplinary research to be integrated into these existing systems. This paper reviews the state of the art in six crucial areas central to the use of timing signals in these systems. Each area is shown to have critical issues requiring accuracy or integrity levels of timing, that need research contributions from a range of disciplines to solve.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Marc Weiss, John Eidson, Charles Barry, David Broman, Leon
    Goldin, Bob Ianucci, Edward A. Lee, Kevin Stanton. <a
    ><i>Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and
    Communication Systems (TAACCS)</i></a>,
    Technical report,  National Institute of Standards and
    Technology, 1867, February, 2015; NIST Technical Note 1867.
  • Plain text
    Marc Weiss, John Eidson, Charles Barry, David Broman, Leon
    Goldin, Bob Ianucci, Edward A. Lee, Kevin Stanton.
    "Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and Communication
    Systems (TAACCS)". Technical report,  National
    Institute of Standards and Technology, 1867, February, 2015;
    NIST Technical Note 1867.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Marc Weiss and John Eidson and Charles Barry and
                  David Broman and Leon Goldin and Bob Ianucci and
                  Edward A. Lee and Kevin Stanton},
        title = {Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and
                  Communication Systems (TAACCS)},
        institution = {National Institute of Standards and Technology},
        number = {1867},
        month = {February},
        year = {2015},
        note = {NIST Technical Note 1867},
        abstract = {A new economy built on the massive growth of
                  endpoints on the internet will require precise and
                  verifiable timing in ways that current systems do
                  not support. Applications, computers, and
                  communications systems have been developed with
                  modules and layers that optimize data processing
                  but degrade accurate timing. State-of-the-art
                  systems now use timing only as a performance
                  metric. Correctness of timing as a metric cannot
                  currently be designed into systems independent of
                  hardware and/or software implementations. To
                  enable the massive growth predicted, accurate
                  timing needs cross-disciplinary research to be
                  integrated into these existing systems. This paper
                  reviews the state of the art in six crucial areas
                  central to the use of timing signals in these
                  systems. Each area is shown to have critical
                  issues requiring accuracy or integrity levels of
                  timing, that need research contributions from a
                  range of disciplines to solve. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1092.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 23 Feb 2015.
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