
Constructive Collisions, chapter in From Programs To Systems. The Systems perspective in Computing.
Edward A. Lee

Edward A. Lee. "Constructive Collisions, chapter in From Programs To Systems. The Systems perspective in Computing.". Saddek Bensalem, Yassinie Lakhneck, Axel Legay (eds.), 11, 161-176, 8415, Springer Berling Heidelberg, 2014; This work was supported in part by the iCyPhy Research Center (Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, supported by IBM and United Technologies), and the Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) at UC Berkeley (supported by the National Science Foundation, NSF awards #0720882 (CSR-EHS: PRET), #1035672 (CPS: Medium: Ptides), and #0931843 (ActionWebs), the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL #N0013-12-1-G015), and the following companies: Bosch, National Instruments, and Toyota). .

This paper studies the semantics of models for discrete physical phenomena such as rigid body collisions. The paper combines generalized functions (specifically the Dirac delta function), superdense time, modal models, and constructive semantics to get a rich, flexible, efficient, and rigorous approach to modeling such systems. It shows that many physical scenarios that have been problematic for modeling techniques manifest as nonconstructive models, and that constructive versions of some of the models properly reflect uncertainty in the behavior of the physical systems that plausibly arise from the principles of quantum mechanics. The paper argues that these modeling difficulties are not reasonably solved by more detailed continuous models of the underlying physical phenomena. Such more detailed models simply shift the uncertainty to other aspects of the model. Since such detailed models come with a high computational cost, there is little justification in using them unless the goal of modeling is specifically to understand these more detailed physical processes. An implementation of these methods in the Ptolemy II modeling and simulation environment is described.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i><b>Constructive Collisions</b>,
    chapter in From Programs To Systems.  The Systems
    perspective in Computing.</i></a>, Saddek
    Bensalem, Yassinie Lakhneck, Axel Legay (eds.), 11, 161-176,
    8415, Springer Berling Heidelberg, 2014; <i>This work
    was supported in part by the iCyPhy Research Center
    (Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, supported by IBM and
    United Technologies), and the Center for Hybrid and Embedded
    Software Systems (CHESS) at UC Berkeley (supported by the
    National Science Foundation, NSF awards #0720882 (CSR-EHS:
    PRET), #1035672 (CPS: Medium: Ptides), and #0931843
    (ActionWebs), the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL
    #N0013-12-1-G015), and the following companies: Bosch,
    National Instruments, and Toyota).</i>
  • Plain text
    Edward A. Lee. "<b>Constructive
    Collisions</b>, chapter in From Programs To Systems. 
    The Systems perspective in Computing.". Saddek
    Bensalem, Yassinie Lakhneck, Axel Legay (eds.), 11, 161-176,
    8415, Springer Berling Heidelberg, 2014; <i>This work
    was supported in part by the iCyPhy Research Center
    (Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, supported by IBM and
    United Technologies), and the Center for Hybrid and Embedded
    Software Systems (CHESS) at UC Berkeley (supported by the
    National Science Foundation, NSF awards #0720882 (CSR-EHS:
    PRET), #1035672 (CPS: Medium: Ptides), and #0931843
    (ActionWebs), the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL
    #N0013-12-1-G015), and the following companies: Bosch,
    National Instruments, and Toyota).</i>
  • BibTeX
        author = {Edward A. Lee},
        editor = {Saddek Bensalem, Yassinie Lakhneck, Axel Legay},
        title = {<b>Constructive Collisions</b>, chapter in From
                  Programs To Systems.  The Systems perspective in
        chapter = {11},
        pages = {161-176},
        volume = {8415},
        publisher = {Springer Berling Heidelberg},
        year = {2014},
        note = {<i>This work was supported in part by the iCyPhy
                  Research Center (Industrial Cyber-Physical
                  Systems, supported by IBM and United
                  Technologies), and the Center for Hybrid and
                  Embedded Software Systems (CHESS) at UC Berkeley
                  (supported by the National Science Foundation, NSF
                  awards \#0720882 (CSR-EHS: PRET), \#1035672 (CPS:
                  Medium: Ptides), and \#0931843 (ActionWebs), the
                  Naval Research Laboratory (NRL \#N0013-12-1-G015),
                  and the following companies: Bosch, National
                  Instruments, and Toyota).</i>
        abstract = {This paper studies the semantics of models for
                  discrete physical phenomena such as rigid body
                  collisions. The paper combines generalized
                  functions (specifically the Dirac delta function),
                  superdense time, modal models, and constructive
                  semantics to get a rich, flexible, efficient, and
                  rigorous approach to modeling such systems. It
                  shows that many physical scenarios that have been
                  problematic for modeling techniques manifest as
                  nonconstructive models, and that constructive
                  versions of some of the models properly reflect
                  uncertainty in the behavior of the physical
                  systems that plausibly arise from the principles
                  of quantum mechanics. The paper argues that these
                  modeling difficulties are not reasonably solved by
                  more detailed continuous models of the underlying
                  physical phenomena. Such more detailed models
                  simply shift the uncertainty to other aspects of
                  the model. Since such detailed models come with a
                  high computational cost, there is little
                  justification in using them unless the goal of
                  modeling is specifically to understand these more
                  detailed physical processes. An implementation of
                  these methods in the Ptolemy II modeling and
                  simulation environment is described.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1105.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 1 Jul 2015.
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