
A Platform-based Design Flow for Kahn Process Networks
Abhijit Davare, Qi Zhu, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Abhijit Davare, Qi Zhu, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "A Platform-based Design Flow for Kahn Process Networks". Technical report, UC Berkeley, 2006-30, March, 2006.

Effectively implementing multimedia applications on multiprocessor architectures is a key challenge in system-level design. This work explores automated solutions to this problem by considering two separate directions of research. First, the problem is placed within the context of a generalized mapping strategy and the concept of a common semantic domain is developed which is capable of reasoning about the automation techniques that are to be applied. Second, a specialized design flow and associated algorithms are developed to solve this problem. The idea of a common semantic domain is described and its usefulness in other mapping problems is demonstrated. For this particular problem, a common semantic domain is identified and forms the basis of the algorithms which are developed in the design flow. The design flow is divided into four clearly defined steps, to ensure the tractability of optimization problems while obtaining a good overall solution. The separation of the flow into these steps allows prior work from a variety of sources to be used. Efficient heuristics are developed for each step of the design flow. The effectiveness of the heuristics used in this design flow is demonstrated by applying them to an industrial case study.

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  • HTML
    Abhijit Davare, Qi Zhu, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
    ><i>A Platform-based Design Flow for Kahn Process
    Networks</i></a>, Technical report,  UC
    Berkeley, 2006-30, March, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Abhijit Davare, Qi Zhu, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
    "A Platform-based Design Flow for Kahn Process
    Networks". Technical report,  UC Berkeley, 2006-30,
    March, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Abhijit Davare and Qi Zhu and Alberto
        title = {A Platform-based Design Flow for Kahn Process
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {2006-30},
        month = {March},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Effectively implementing multimedia applications
                  on multiprocessor architectures is a key challenge
                  in system-level design. This work explores
                  automated solutions to this problem by considering
                  two separate directions of research. First, the
                  problem is placed within the context of a
                  generalized mapping strategy and the concept of a
                  common semantic domain is developed which is
                  capable of reasoning about the automation
                  techniques that are to be applied. Second, a
                  specialized design flow and associated algorithms
                  are developed to solve this problem. The idea of a
                  common semantic domain is described and its
                  usefulness in other mapping problems is
                  demonstrated. For this particular problem, a
                  common semantic domain is identified and forms the
                  basis of the algorithms which are developed in the
                  design flow. The design flow is divided into four
                  clearly defined steps, to ensure the tractability
                  of optimization problems while obtaining a good
                  overall solution. The separation of the flow into
                  these steps allows prior work from a variety of
                  sources to be used. Efficient heuristics are
                  developed for each step of the design flow. The
                  effectiveness of the heuristics used in this
                  design flow is demonstrated by applying them to an
                  industrial case study.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/111.html}

Posted by Abhijit Davare on 15 May 2006.
Groups: chess chesslocal
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