
Scalable and reusable models for HLA-Ptolemy cosimulation framework
David Come, Janette Cardoso

David Come, Janette Cardoso. "Scalable and reusable models for HLA-Ptolemy cosimulation framework". Talk or presentation, 16, October, 2015; Presented at the Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Berkeley.

The Ptolemy-HLA framework aims to ease the creation of distributed simulation by providing an easy an user friendly interface for creating federate.

One of HLA's end-goal is to have reusable simulators which can be used from one simulation to another. This requires to make no assumptions on the number of objects a simulator will have to handle. While this is not an issue with classical programming languages such as C++ or Java which can use dynamic memory allocation, but there is no such thing within Ptolemy models.

Thus, there is a mandatory scaling phase : the model's designer will have to manually change the model in order to make it fit to the targeted simulation for handling the right number of objects. This phase is dull, error-prone and can be automated, which is this work's aim.

To do so, our solution is to dynamically create actors in the model from a class upon an object's discovery. That way, the end user needs only to design a minimal model and it will automatically scales up to the right scale. We describe the associated abstract semantic and its implementation.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    David Come, Janette Cardoso. <a
    and reusable models for HLA-Ptolemy cosimulation
    framework</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  16,
    October, 2015; Presented at the <a
    >Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>,
  • Plain text
    David Come, Janette Cardoso. "Scalable and reusable
    models for HLA-Ptolemy cosimulation framework". Talk or
    presentation,  16, October, 2015; Presented at the <a
    >Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>,
  • BibTeX
        author = {David Come and Janette Cardoso},
        title = {Scalable and reusable models for HLA-Ptolemy
                  cosimulation framework},
        day = {16},
        month = {October},
        year = {2015},
        note = {Presented at the <a
                  >Eleventh Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference</a>,
        abstract = {The Ptolemy-HLA framework aims to ease the
                  creation of distributed simulation by providing an
                  easy an user friendly interface for creating
                  federate. <p>One of HLA's end-goal is to have
                  reusable simulators which can be used from one
                  simulation to another. This requires to make no
                  assumptions on the number of objects a simulator
                  will have to handle. While this is not an issue
                  with classical programming languages such as C++
                  or Java which can use dynamic memory allocation,
                  but there is no such thing within Ptolemy models.
                  <p>Thus, there is a mandatory scaling phase : the
                  model's designer will have to manually change the
                  model in order to make it fit to the targeted
                  simulation for handling the right number of
                  objects. This phase is dull, error-prone and can
                  be automated, which is this work's aim. <p>To do
                  so, our solution is to dynamically create actors
                  in the model from a class upon an object's
                  discovery. That way, the end user needs only to
                  design a minimal model and it will automatically
                  scales up to the right scale. We describe the
                  associated abstract semantic and its
                  implementation. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1128.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 19 Oct 2015.
Groups: ptolemy
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