
An automated exploration framework for FPGA-based soft multiprocessor systems
Yujia Jin, Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer

Yujia Jin, Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer. "An automated exploration framework for FPGA-based soft multiprocessor systems". Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis CODES+ISSS '05, ACM Press (ed.), 273 - 278, September, 2005.

FPGA-based soft multiprocessors are viable system solutions for high performance applications. They provide a software abstraction to enable quick implementations on the FPGA. The multiprocessor can be customized for a target application to achieve high performance. Modern FPGAs provide the capacity to build a variety of micro-architectures composed of 20-50 processors, complex memory hierarchies, heterogeneous interconnection schemes and custom co-processors for performance critical operations. However, the diversity in the architectural design space makes it difficult to realize the performance potential of these systems. In this paper we develop an exploration framework to build efficient FPGA multiprocessors for a target application. Our main contribution is a tool based on Integer Linear Programming to explore micro-architectures and allocate application tasks to maximize throughput. Using this tool, we implement a soft multiprocessor for IPv4 packet forwarding that achieves a throughput of 2 Gbps, surpassing the performance of a carefully tuned hand design.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Yujia Jin, Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer.
    >An automated exploration framework for FPGA-based soft
    multiprocessor systems</a>, Proceedings of the 3rd
    IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software
    codesign and system synthesis CODES+ISSS '05, ACM Press
    (ed.), 273 - 278, September, 2005.
  • Plain text
    Yujia Jin, Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer.
    "An automated exploration framework for FPGA-based soft
    multiprocessor systems". Proceedings of the 3rd
    IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software
    codesign and system synthesis CODES+ISSS '05, ACM Press
    (ed.), 273 - 278, September, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Yujia Jin and Nadathur Satish and Kaushik
                  Ravindran and Kurt Keutzer},
        title = {An automated exploration framework for FPGA-based
                  soft multiprocessor systems},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM/IFIP international
                  conference on Hardware/software codesign and
                  system synthesis CODES+ISSS '05},
        editor = {ACM Press},
        pages = {273 - 278},
        month = {September},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {FPGA-based soft multiprocessors are viable system
                  solutions for high performance applications. They
                  provide a software abstraction to enable quick
                  implementations on the FPGA. The multiprocessor
                  can be customized for a target application to
                  achieve high performance. Modern FPGAs provide the
                  capacity to build a variety of micro-architectures
                  composed of 20-50 processors, complex memory
                  hierarchies, heterogeneous interconnection schemes
                  and custom co-processors for performance critical
                  operations. However, the diversity in the
                  architectural design space makes it difficult to
                  realize the performance potential of these
                  systems. In this paper we develop an exploration
                  framework to build efficient FPGA multiprocessors
                  for a target application. Our main contribution is
                  a tool based on Integer Linear Programming to
                  explore micro-architectures and allocate
                  application tasks to maximize throughput. Using
                  this tool, we implement a soft multiprocessor for
                  IPv4 packet forwarding that achieves a throughput
                  of 2 Gbps, surpassing the performance of a
                  carefully tuned hand design.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/115.html}

Posted by Kaushik Ravindran on 15 May 2006.
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