
Probabilistic Inference by Hashing and Optimization
Stefano Ermon

Stefano Ermon. "Probabilistic Inference by Hashing and Optimization". Talk or presentation, 25, January, 2016.

Statistical inference in high-dimensional probabilistic models (i.e., with many variables) is one of the central problems of statistical machine learning and stochastic decision making. To date, only a handful of distinct methods have been developed, most notably (MCMC) sampling, decomposition, and variational methods. In this talk, I will introduce a fundamentally new approach based on random projections and combinatorial optimization. Our approach provides provable guarantees on accuracy, and outperforms traditional methods in a range of domains, in particular those involving combinations of probabilistic and causal dependencies (such as those coming from physical laws) among the variables. This allows for a tighter integration between inductive and deductive reasoning, and offers a range of new modeling opportunities.

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    Stefano Ermon. <a
    ><i>Probabilistic Inference by Hashing and
    Optimization</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  25,
    January, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Stefano Ermon. "Probabilistic Inference by Hashing and
    Optimization". Talk or presentation,  25, January, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Stefano Ermon},
        title = {Probabilistic Inference by Hashing and Optimization},
        day = {25},
        month = {January},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {Statistical inference in high-dimensional
                  probabilistic models (i.e., with many variables)
                  is one of the central problems of statistical
                  machine learning and stochastic decision making.
                  To date, only a handful of distinct methods have
                  been developed, most notably (MCMC) sampling,
                  decomposition, and variational methods. In this
                  talk, I will introduce a fundamentally new
                  approach based on random projections and
                  combinatorial optimization. Our approach provides
                  provable guarantees on accuracy, and outperforms
                  traditional methods in a range of domains, in
                  particular those involving combinations of
                  probabilistic and causal dependencies (such as
                  those coming from physical laws) among the
                  variables. This allows for a tighter integration
                  between inductive and deductive reasoning, and
                  offers a range of new modeling opportunities.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1168.html}

Posted by Sadigh Dorsa on 17 Feb 2016.
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