
Triquetrum: Models of Computation for Workflows
Christopher Brooks, erwin de ley

Christopher Brooks, erwin de ley. "Triquetrum: Models of Computation for Workflows". Talk or presentation, 8, March, 2016; Presented at EclipseCon NA 2016, Reston, VA.

Triquetrum is a new Eclipse project for managing and executing scientific workflows. The goal of Triquetrum is to support a wide range of use cases, ranging from automated processes based on predefined models, to replaying ad-hoc research workflows recorded from a user's actions in a scientific workbench UI. It will allow to define and execute models from personal pipelines with a few steps to massive models with thousands of elements. Triquetrum uses the actor model, where actors read inputs, make local decisions and write outputs. Actor models are inherently concurrent, where as object-oriented systems are typically executed sequentially (though often with a threading system added on). The execution semantics of an actor is called the model of computation. There are many different models of computation including discrete event, finite state machines, continuous time and synchronous dataflow. The Triquetrum system gives the user the ability to hierarchically compose workflows using different models of computation and to get deterministic results. Workflows have been used by systems like Kepler and Taverna to support data provenance and reproducibility for experiments that use large data sets. Triquetrum consists of three workstreams. The first is moving the Ptolemy actor execution engine into OSGi bundles and providing an RCP GUI. The second is providing APIs and OSGI service implementations for Task-based processing, which will be independent of Ptolemy. The third is developing APIs and tools for external software packages, resource managers and data sources. We will discuss how Triquetrum will be used or is already used in Science Working Group projects, including Eclipse ICE and DAWNSci.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Christopher Brooks, erwin de ley. <a
    Models of Computation for Workflows</i></a>,
    Talk or presentation,  8, March, 2016; Presented at <a
    >EclipseCon NA 2016</a>, Reston, VA.
  • Plain text
    Christopher Brooks, erwin de ley. "Triquetrum: Models
    of Computation for Workflows". Talk or presentation, 
    8, March, 2016; Presented at <a
    >EclipseCon NA 2016</a>, Reston, VA.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Christopher Brooks and erwin de ley},
        title = {Triquetrum: Models of Computation for Workflows},
        day = {8},
        month = {March},
        year = {2016},
        note = {Presented at <a
                  >EclipseCon NA 2016</a>, Reston, VA.},
        abstract = { Triquetrum is a new Eclipse project for managing
                  and executing scientific workflows. The goal of
                  Triquetrum is to support a wide range of use
                  cases, ranging from automated processes based on
                  predefined models, to replaying ad-hoc research
                  workflows recorded from a user's actions in a
                  scientific workbench UI. It will allow to define
                  and execute models from personal pipelines with a
                  few steps to massive models with thousands of
                  elements. Triquetrum uses the actor model, where
                  actors read inputs, make local decisions and write
                  outputs. Actor models are inherently concurrent,
                  where as object-oriented systems are typically
                  executed sequentially (though often with a
                  threading system added on). The execution
                  semantics of an actor is called the model of
                  computation. There are many different models of
                  computation including discrete event, finite state
                  machines, continuous time and synchronous
                  dataflow. The Triquetrum system gives the user the
                  ability to hierarchically compose workflows using
                  different models of computation and to get
                  deterministic results. Workflows have been used by
                  systems like Kepler and Taverna to support data
                  provenance and reproducibility for experiments
                  that use large data sets. Triquetrum consists of
                  three workstreams. The first is moving the Ptolemy
                  actor execution engine into OSGi bundles and
                  providing an RCP GUI. The second is providing APIs
                  and OSGI service implementations for Task-based
                  processing, which will be independent of Ptolemy.
                  The third is developing APIs and tools for
                  external software packages, resource managers and
                  data sources. We will discuss how Triquetrum will
                  be used or is already used in Science Working
                  Group projects, including Eclipse ICE and DAWNSci. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/1169.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 9 Mar 2016.
Groups: triq
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