
Implementation of AFR Controller in an Event-driven Real Time Language
Arkadeb Ghosal, Carlos Zavala, Marco Sanvido, Karl Hedrick

Arkadeb Ghosal, Carlos Zavala, Marco Sanvido, Karl Hedrick. "Implementation of AFR Controller in an Event-driven Real Time Language". 2005 American Control Conference, June, 2005.

The control of emissions has been addressed in the past to comply with environmental regulations. In particular air-to-fuel ratio control is key to reach the allowed pollution levels. The aim of this work is to present an alternative approach which allows for more flexibility to account for the type of signals and requirements of automotive applications, specifically, handling of time and event triggered tasks. An Air-Fuel Ratio nonlinear controller is developed for an automobile engine. The controller is then implemented using the event-driven real-time programming language xGiotto on the OSEK platform provided by WindRiver. Special attention is given to show the advantage that can be gained from using an event driven paradigm for implementing automotive controllers.

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  • HTML
    Arkadeb Ghosal, Carlos Zavala, Marco Sanvido, Karl Hedrick.
    >Implementation of AFR Controller in an Event-driven Real
    Time Language</a>, 2005 American Control Conference,
    June, 2005.
  • Plain text
    Arkadeb Ghosal, Carlos Zavala, Marco Sanvido, Karl Hedrick.
    "Implementation of AFR Controller in an Event-driven
    Real Time Language". 2005 American Control Conference,
    June, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Arkadeb Ghosal and Carlos Zavala and Marco Sanvido
                  and Karl Hedrick},
        title = {Implementation of AFR Controller in an
                  Event-driven Real Time Language},
        booktitle = {2005 American Control Conference},
        month = {June},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {The control of emissions has been addressed in the
                  past to comply with environmental regulations. In
                  particular air-to-fuel ratio control is key to
                  reach the allowed pollution levels. The aim of
                  this work is to present an alternative approach
                  which allows for more flexibility to account for
                  the type of signals and requirements of automotive
                  applications, specifically, handling of time and
                  event triggered tasks. An Air-Fuel Ratio nonlinear
                  controller is developed for an automobile engine.
                  The controller is then implemented using the
                  event-driven real-time programming language
                  xGiotto on the OSEK platform provided by
                  WindRiver. Special attention is given to show the
                  advantage that can be gained from using an event
                  driven paradigm for implementing automotive
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/125.html}

Posted by Jose Carlos Zavala Jurado on 15 May 2006.
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