
Communication and Co-Simulation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous System Integration
Guang Yang, Xi Chen, Felice Balarin, Harry Hsieh, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Guang Yang, Xi Chen, Felice Balarin, Harry Hsieh, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Communication and Co-Simulation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous System Integration". Design Automation and Test in Europe, March, 2006.

With the increasing complexity and heterogeneity of embedded electronic systems, a unified design methodology at higher levels of abstraction becomes a necessity. Meanwhile, it is also important to incorporate the current design practice emphasizing IP reuse at various abstraction levels. In the traditional design industry, there are many legacy IPs at the register transfer level or gate level. To handle the design complexity, people are now moving towards higher abstraction levels, such as the transaction level or behavior level. However, the abstraction gap prohibits easy communication and synchronization in IP integration. Another challenge is the co-simulation among IPs written in different design languages. Up to now, there are attempts on co-simulation between HDLs and C/C++/SystemC; however, there does not exist a generic co-simulation framework for arbitrary design languages. In this paper, we present a communication infrastructure for an integrated design framework that enables co-design and co-simulation of heterogeneous design components specified at different abstraction levels and in different languages. The core of the approach is to abstract different communication interfaces or protocols to a common high level communication semantics. Designers only need to specify the interfaces of the design components using extended regular expressions; communication adapters can then be automatically generated for the co-simulation or other co-design and co-verification purposes.

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  • HTML
    Guang Yang, Xi Chen, Felice Balarin, Harry Hsieh, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. <a
    >Communication and Co-Simulation Infrastructure for
    Heterogeneous System Integration</a>, Design
    Automation and Test in Europe, March, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Guang Yang, Xi Chen, Felice Balarin, Harry Hsieh, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Communication and
    Co-Simulation Infrastructure for Heterogeneous System
    Integration". Design Automation and Test in Europe,
    March, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Guang Yang and Xi Chen and Felice Balarin and
                  Harry Hsieh and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli},
        title = {Communication and Co-Simulation Infrastructure for
                  Heterogeneous System Integration},
        booktitle = {Design Automation and Test in Europe},
        month = {March},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {With the increasing complexity and heterogeneity
                  of embedded electronic systems, a unified design
                  methodology at higher levels of abstraction
                  becomes a necessity. Meanwhile, it is also
                  important to incorporate the current design
                  practice emphasizing IP reuse at various
                  abstraction levels. In the traditional design
                  industry, there are many legacy IPs at the
                  register transfer level or gate level. To handle
                  the design complexity, people are now moving
                  towards higher abstraction levels, such as the
                  transaction level or behavior level. However, the
                  abstraction gap prohibits easy communication and
                  synchronization in IP integration. Another
                  challenge is the co-simulation among IPs written
                  in different design languages. Up to now, there
                  are attempts on co-simulation between HDLs and
                  C/C++/SystemC; however, there does not exist a
                  generic co-simulation framework for arbitrary
                  design languages. In this paper, we present a
                  communication infrastructure for an integrated
                  design framework that enables co-design and
                  co-simulation of heterogeneous design components
                  specified at different abstraction levels and in
                  different languages. The core of the approach is
                  to abstract different communication interfaces or
                  protocols to a common high level communication
                  semantics. Designers only need to specify the
                  interfaces of the design components using extended
                  regular expressions; communication adapters can
                  then be automatically generated for the
                  co-simulation or other co-design and
                  co-verification purposes. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/134.html}

Posted by Guang Yang on 16 May 2006.
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