
Analysis of an Implementable Application Layer Scheme for Flow Control over Wireless Networks
A. Abate, M. Chen, S. Sastry

A. Abate, M. Chen, S. Sastry. "Analysis of an Implementable Application Layer Scheme for Flow Control over Wireless Networks". Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July, 2006.

This paper deals with the problem of congestion control and packet exchange on a wireless network. The mathematical model of the protocol is inspired by and extends a known fluid flow scheme for the control of congestion on a wired network. The necessity to introduce a specific wireless model is motivated by the presence of channel error; often this error (due to intrinsic noise or channel corruption) is not know exactly. This motivates the approximation of parts of the structure of the model with binary functions, whose switching point can be precisely known. These new discontinuous elements, while in practice greatly simplifying the structure of the algorithm (they carry a single bit of information), complicate the theoretical analysis of its dynamical properties. We therefore approximate them with continuous functions with proper limiting behavior: they thus preserver the simple shape and yield themselves to analysis as well. Given this setup, we then investigate the important issues of existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium for the dynamical system, and of local asymptotic stability. Furthermore, we show that this equilibrium solves a concave net utility optimization problem, of which the classical one for wired networks is a special case. The take away point of this work is that the scheme we propose to handle the traffic on a wireless network is not only innovative and meaningful, but has also the potential to be modified and translated into practical implementations.

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  • HTML
    A. Abate, M. Chen, S. Sastry. <a
    >Analysis of an Implementable Application Layer Scheme
    for Flow Control over Wireless Networks</a>,
    Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on
    Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July, 2006.
  • Plain text
    A. Abate, M. Chen, S. Sastry. "Analysis of an
    Implementable Application Layer Scheme for Flow Control over
    Wireless Networks". Proceedings of the 17th
    International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks
    and Systems, July, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {A. Abate and M. Chen and S. Sastry},
        title = {Analysis of an Implementable Application Layer
                  Scheme for Flow Control over Wireless Networks},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on
                  Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems},
        month = {July},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {This paper deals with the problem of congestion
                  control and packet exchange on a wireless network.
                  The mathematical model of the protocol is inspired
                  by and extends a known fluid flow scheme for the
                  control of congestion on a wired network. The
                  necessity to introduce a specific wireless model
                  is motivated by the presence of channel error;
                  often this error (due to intrinsic noise or
                  channel corruption) is not know exactly. This
                  motivates the approximation of parts of the
                  structure of the model with binary functions,
                  whose switching point can be precisely known.
                  These new discontinuous elements, while in
                  practice greatly simplifying the structure of the
                  algorithm (they carry a single bit of
                  information), complicate the theoretical analysis
                  of its dynamical properties. We therefore
                  approximate them with continuous functions with
                  proper limiting behavior: they thus preserver the
                  simple shape and yield themselves to analysis as
                  well. Given this setup, we then investigate the
                  important issues of existence and uniqueness of
                  the equilibrium for the dynamical system, and of
                  local asymptotic stability. Furthermore, we show
                  that this equilibrium solves a concave net utility
                  optimization problem, of which the classical one
                  for wired networks is a special case. The take
                  away point of this work is that the scheme we
                  propose to handle the traffic on a wireless
                  network is not only innovative and meaningful, but
                  has also the potential to be modified and
                  translated into practical implementations.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/217.html}

Posted by Alessandro Abate on 24 Apr 2007.
Groups: chess
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