
A Decomposition-based Constraint Optimization Approach for Statically Scheduling Task Graphs with Communication Delays to Multiprocessors
Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer

Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer. "A Decomposition-based Constraint Optimization Approach for Statically Scheduling Task Graphs with Communication Delays to Multiprocessors". 10th Conference of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE-07), 57-62, April, 2007.

We present a decomposition strategy to speed up constraint optimization for a representative multiprocessor scheduling problem. In the manner of Benders decomposition, our technique solves relaxed versions of the problem and iteratively learns constraints to prune the solution space. Typical formulations suffer prohibitive run times even on medium-sized problems with less than 30 tasks. Our decomposition strategy enhances constraint optimization to robustly handle instances with over 100 tasks. Moreover, the extensibility of constraint formulations permits realistic application and resource constraints, which is a limitation of common heuristic methods for scheduling. The inherent extensibility, coupled with improved run times from a decomposition strategy, posit constraint optimization as a powerful tool for resource constrained scheduling and multiprocessor design space exploration.

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  • HTML
    Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer. <a
    >A Decomposition-based Constraint Optimization Approach
    for Statically Scheduling Task Graphs with Communication
    Delays to Multiprocessors</a>, 10th Conference of
    Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE-07), 57-62,
    April, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Nadathur Satish, Kaushik Ravindran, Kurt Keutzer. "A
    Decomposition-based Constraint Optimization Approach for
    Statically Scheduling Task Graphs with Communication Delays
    to Multiprocessors". 10th Conference of Design,
    Automation and Test in Europe (DATE-07), 57-62, April, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Nadathur Satish and Kaushik Ravindran and Kurt
        title = {A Decomposition-based Constraint Optimization
                  Approach for Statically Scheduling Task Graphs
                  with Communication Delays to Multiprocessors},
        booktitle = {10th Conference of Design, Automation and Test in
                  Europe (DATE-07)},
        pages = {57-62},
        month = {April},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {We present a decomposition strategy to speed up
                  constraint optimization for a representative
                  multiprocessor scheduling problem. In the manner
                  of Benders decomposition, our technique solves
                  relaxed versions of the problem and iteratively
                  learns constraints to prune the solution space.
                  Typical formulations suffer prohibitive run times
                  even on medium-sized problems with less than 30
                  tasks. Our decomposition strategy enhances
                  constraint optimization to robustly handle
                  instances with over 100 tasks. Moreover, the
                  extensibility of constraint formulations permits
                  realistic application and resource constraints,
                  which is a limitation of common heuristic methods
                  for scheduling. The inherent extensibility,
                  coupled with improved run times from a
                  decomposition strategy, posit constraint
                  optimization as a powerful tool for resource
                  constrained scheduling and multiprocessor design
                  space exploration. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/226.html}

Posted by Kaushik Ravindran on 9 May 2007.
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