
Ellipsoidal Techniques for Reachability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems
Alex A. Kurzhanskiy, Pravin Varaiya

Alex A. Kurzhanskiy, Pravin Varaiya. "Ellipsoidal Techniques for Reachability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Systems". IEEE Transactions Automatic Control, 52(1):26-38, 2007.

This paper describes the computation of reach sets for discrete-time linear control systems with time-varying coefficients and ellipsoidal bounds on the controls and initial conditions. The algorithms construct external and internal ellipsoidal approximations that touch the reach set boundary from outside and from inside. Recurrence relations describe the time evolution of these approximations. An essential part of the paper deals with singular discrete-time linear systems.

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  • HTML
    Alex A. Kurzhanskiy, Pravin Varaiya. <a
    >Ellipsoidal Techniques for Reachability Analysis of
    Discrete-Time Linear Systems</a>, <i>IEEE
    Transactions Automatic Control</i>, 52(1):26-38,  2007.
  • Plain text
    Alex A. Kurzhanskiy, Pravin Varaiya. "Ellipsoidal
    Techniques for Reachability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear
    Systems". <i>IEEE Transactions Automatic
    Control</i>, 52(1):26-38,  2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alex A. Kurzhanskiy and Pravin Varaiya},
        title = {Ellipsoidal Techniques for Reachability Analysis
                  of Discrete-Time Linear Systems},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions Automatic Control},
        volume = {52},
        number = {1},
        pages = {26-38},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {This paper describes the computation of reach sets
                  for discrete-time linear control systems with
                  time-varying coefficients and ellipsoidal bounds
                  on the controls and initial conditions. The
                  algorithms construct external and internal
                  ellipsoidal approximations that touch the reach
                  set boundary from outside and from inside.
                  Recurrence relations describe the time evolution
                  of these approximations. An essential part of the
                  paper deals with singular discrete-time linear
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/271.html}

Posted by Alex A. Kurzhanskiy on 29 May 2007.
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