
PML: a Language for Platform Modeling
Tivadar Szemethy, Gabor Karsai

Tivadar Szemethy, Gabor Karsai. "PML: a Language for Platform Modeling". Electronic Communications of the EASST, 4(2006), 2006.

Modeling the computational platforms is necessary to analyze the execution characteristics of systems developed using a model-based approach. In this paper, we introduce a novel platform modeling language: PML that is based on (a) transformational concepts borrowed from graph transformation languages, and (b) generative concepts from platform modeling, like 'kernel skeleton'. PML relies on higher-level, compact constructs that represent a special case of model transformations, and which are then used to specify platform semantics. The paper also illustrates how PML constructs can be compiled into lower-level constructs of more traditional model transformational languages, such as GReAT.

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  • HTML
    Tivadar Szemethy, Gabor Karsai. <a
    >PML: a Language for Platform Modeling</a>,
    <i>Electronic Communications of the EASST</i>,
    4(2006),  2006.
  • Plain text
    Tivadar Szemethy, Gabor Karsai. "PML: a Language for
    Platform Modeling". <i>Electronic Communications
    of the EASST</i>, 4(2006),  2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tivadar Szemethy and Gabor Karsai},
        title = {PML: a Language for Platform Modeling},
        journal = {Electronic Communications of the EASST},
        volume = {4},
        number = {2006},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Modeling the computational platforms is necessary
                  to analyze the execution characteristics of
                  systems developed using a model-based approach. In
                  this paper, we introduce a novel platform modeling
                  language: PML that is based on (a)
                  transformational concepts borrowed from graph
                  transformation languages, and (b) generative
                  concepts from platform modeling, like 'kernel
                  skeleton'. PML relies on higher-level, compact
                  constructs that represent a special case of model
                  transformations, and which are then used to
                  specify platform semantics. The paper also
                  illustrates how PML constructs can be compiled
                  into lower-level constructs of more traditional
                  model transformational languages, such as GReAT.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/278.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 6 Jun 2007.
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