
Defining Behavioral Semantics for Domain Specific Modeling Languages
Janos Sztipanovits

Janos Sztipanovits. "Defining Behavioral Semantics for Domain Specific Modeling Languages". Talk or presentation, April, 2007.

Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) play fundamental role in the model-based design of embedded software and systems. While abstract syntax metamodeling enables the rapid and inexpensive development of DSMLs, the specification of DSML semantics is still a hard problem. In previous work, we have developed methods and tools for the semantic anchoring of DSML-s. Semantic anchoring introduces a set of reusable “semantic units” that provides reference semantics for basic behavioral categories using the Abstract State Machine framework. In this presentation, we extend the semantic anchoring framework to heterogeneous behaviors by developing method for the composition of semantic units. Semantic unit composition reduces the required effort from DSML designers and improves the quality of the specification. The proposed method is demonstrated through a case study

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    Janos Sztipanovits. <a
    ><i>Defining Behavioral Semantics for Domain
    Specific Modeling Languages</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  April, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Janos Sztipanovits. "Defining Behavioral Semantics for
    Domain Specific Modeling Languages". Talk or
    presentation,  April, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Janos Sztipanovits},
        title = {Defining Behavioral Semantics for Domain Specific
                  Modeling Languages},
        month = {April},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) play
                  fundamental role in the model-based design of
                  embedded software and systems. While abstract
                  syntax metamodeling enables the rapid and
                  inexpensive development of DSMLs, the
                  specification of DSML semantics is still a hard
                  problem. In previous work, we have developed
                  methods and tools for the semantic anchoring of
                  DSML-s. Semantic anchoring introduces a set of
                  reusable âsemantic unitsâ that provides
                  reference semantics for basic behavioral
                  categories using the Abstract State Machine
                  framework. In this presentation, we extend the
                  semantic anchoring framework to heterogeneous
                  behaviors by developing method for the composition
                  of semantic units. Semantic unit composition
                  reduces the required effort from DSML designers
                  and improves the quality of the specification. The
                  proposed method is demonstrated through a case
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/299.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 6 Jun 2007.
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