
Automated Memory Allocation of Actor Code and Data Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models to Scratchpad Memory
Shamik Bandyopadhyay

Shamik Bandyopadhyay. "Automated Memory Allocation of Actor Code and Data Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models to Scratchpad Memory". Master's thesis, University of California, Berkeley, August, 2006.

A scratchpad memory is a fast compiler-managed on-chip memory that replaces the hardware managed cache in several embedded processors. Scratchpad memories provide better real-time guarantees, and significantly lower overheads in energy consumption and area as compared to caches [9]. Several allocation schemes exist for mapping variables, data and code to the scratchpad memory. However, none of these schemes seek to optimize the allocation based on the control flow and data flow information that can be gleaned from block diagram based programs in frameworks in LabVIEW and Ptolemy II [7]. In this report we present methods for scratchpad memory allocation of block diagram programs composed under the Heterochronous Dataflow (HDF) model of computation [3]. HDF is a heterogeneous composition of Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) [1] and Finite State Machines (FSM). It is significantly more expressive than SDF since it allows rate changes in actors during execution. The memory allocation method exploits the coarse grained software architecture and semantics of the HDF models to gather information about the temporal pattern and access frequencies of memory references and the memory requirements of the computational blocks. This information is processed using an Integer Linear Program (ILP) based framework to generate the optimal memory allocation for each state in the HDF graph. We also present a modified version of the algorithm which generates multiple allocations for each state. The ILP based allocation algorithm is shown to perform significantly better than caches. We also show that the allocation algorithm increases predictability by being completely independent of the scheduling technique used to generate the execution schedule for the HDF model. The algorithmic modification that generates multiple allocations per state is shown to perform better than the original algorithm for actor code allocation for intermediate scratchpad sizes. We present a strict upper bound on the memory access time of a HDF model allocated to scratchpad using the above algorithm. We also present several interesting directions for future exploration.

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  • HTML
    Shamik Bandyopadhyay. <a
    ><i>Automated Memory Allocation of Actor Code and
    Data Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models to Scratchpad
    Memory</i></a>, Master's thesis,  University of
    California, Berkeley, August, 2006.
  • Plain text
    Shamik Bandyopadhyay. "Automated Memory Allocation of
    Actor Code and Data Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models
    to Scratchpad Memory". Master's thesis,  University of
    California, Berkeley, August, 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Shamik Bandyopadhyay},
        title = {Automated Memory Allocation of Actor Code and Data
                  Buffer in Heterochronous Dataflow Models to
                  Scratchpad Memory},
        school = {University of California, Berkeley},
        month = {August},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {A scratchpad memory is a fast compiler-managed
                  on-chip memory that replaces the hardware managed
                  cache in several embedded processors. Scratchpad
                  memories provide better real-time guarantees, and
                  significantly lower overheads in energy
                  consumption and area as compared to caches [9].
                  Several allocation schemes exist for mapping
                  variables, data and code to the scratchpad memory.
                  However, none of these schemes seek to optimize
                  the allocation based on the control flow and data
                  flow information that can be gleaned from block
                  diagram based programs in frameworks in LabVIEW
                  and Ptolemy II [7]. In this report we present
                  methods for scratchpad memory allocation of block
                  diagram programs composed under the Heterochronous
                  Dataflow (HDF) model of computation [3]. HDF is a
                  heterogeneous composition of Synchronous Dataflow
                  (SDF) [1] and Finite State Machines (FSM). It is
                  significantly more expressive than SDF since it
                  allows rate changes in actors during execution.
                  The memory allocation method exploits the coarse
                  grained software architecture and semantics of the
                  HDF models to gather information about the
                  temporal pattern and access frequencies of memory
                  references and the memory requirements of the
                  computational blocks. This information is
                  processed using an Integer Linear Program (ILP)
                  based framework to generate the optimal memory
                  allocation for each state in the HDF graph. We
                  also present a modified version of the algorithm
                  which generates multiple allocations for each
                  state. The ILP based allocation algorithm is shown
                  to perform significantly better than caches. We
                  also show that the allocation algorithm increases
                  predictability by being completely independent of
                  the scheduling technique used to generate the
                  execution schedule for the HDF model. The
                  algorithmic modification that generates multiple
                  allocations per state is shown to perform better
                  than the original algorithm for actor code
                  allocation for intermediate scratchpad sizes. We
                  present a strict upper bound on the memory access
                  time of a HDF model allocated to scratchpad using
                  the above algorithm. We also present several
                  interesting directions for future exploration.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/331.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 7 Jun 2007.
Groups: ptolemy
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