
Approximate Abstractions of Discrete-Time Controlled Stochastic Hybrid Systems
Alessandro D’Innocenzo, Alessandro Abate, Maria D. Di Benedetto, Shankar Sastry

Alessandro D’Innocenzo, Alessandro Abate, Maria D. Di Benedetto, Shankar Sastry. "Approximate Abstractions of Discrete-Time Controlled Stochastic Hybrid Systems". Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE Conference on, 221-226, 9, December, 2008.

This work presents a procedure to construct a finite abstraction of a controlled discrete-time stochastic hybrid system. The state space and the control space of the original system are partitioned by finite lattices, according to some refinement parameters. The errors introduced by the abstraction procedure can be explicitly computed, over time, given some continuity assumptions on the original model. We show that the errors can be arbitrarily tuned by selecting the partition accuracy. The obtained abstraction can be interpreted as a controlled Markov set-Chain, and can be used both for verification and control design purposes. We test the proposed technique to analyze a model from systems biology.

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  • HTML
    Alessandro D’Innocenzo, Alessandro Abate, Maria D.
    Di Benedetto, Shankar Sastry. <a
    >Approximate Abstractions of Discrete-Time Controlled
    Stochastic Hybrid Systems</a>, Decision and Control,
    2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE Conference on, 221-226, 9,
    December, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Alessandro D’Innocenzo, Alessandro Abate, Maria D.
    Di Benedetto, Shankar Sastry. "Approximate Abstractions
    of Discrete-Time Controlled Stochastic Hybrid Systems".
    Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE Conference
    on, 221-226, 9, December, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Alessandro D’Innocenzo and Alessandro Abate and
                  Maria D. Di Benedetto and Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Approximate Abstractions of Discrete-Time
                  Controlled Stochastic Hybrid Systems},
        booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE
                  Conference on},
        pages = {221-226},
        day = {9},
        month = {December},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {This work presents a procedure to construct a
                  finite abstraction of a controlled discrete-time
                  stochastic hybrid system. The state space and the
                  control space of the original system are
                  partitioned by finite lattices, according to some
                  refinement parameters. The errors introduced by
                  the abstraction procedure can be explicitly
                  computed, over time, given some continuity
                  assumptions on the original model. We show that
                  the errors can be arbitrarily tuned by selecting
                  the partition accuracy. The obtained abstraction
                  can be interpreted as a controlled Markov
                  set-Chain, and can be used both for verification
                  and control design purposes. We test the proposed
                  technique to analyze a model from systems biology.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/443.html}

Posted by Alessandro Abate on 16 Jun 2008.
Groups: chess
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