
Robust feasibility for control of water flow in a canal reservoir system
Saurabh Amin, Alexandre Bayen, Laurent El Ghaoui, Shankar Sastry

Saurabh Amin, Alexandre Bayen, Laurent El Ghaoui, Shankar Sastry. "Robust feasibility for control of water flow in a canal reservoir system". Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on, 1571-1577, December, 2007.

A robust control problem for distant downstream control of a reservoir-canal system modeled by Saint-Venant equations is investigated. The problem is to regulate the release of water at the upstream end such that the measured water level (or stage) at the downstream end does not deviate outside of prescribed bounds under the effect of downstream perturbations. Under the assumption of small perturbations, the Saint-Venant model is linearized around a steady state flow. The resulting linear model is discretized to obtain a linear state-space model using a method of characteristics based numerical scheme. For the state space model, the control is the upstream discharge deviation, the disturbance is the downstream discharge deviation and the output is the downstream stage deviation; the deviations are defined with respect to the steady state. The sets of admissible control, disturbance and output trajectories are modeled by polytopes. It is shown that the control problem can be formulated as a robust feasibility problem. Using linear programming duality, conditions for existence of a robustly feasible solution are derived. These conditions, being affine in the control variables, are checked using linear programming. The proposed method is applied to control a typical reservoir- canal system.

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  • HTML
    Saurabh Amin, Alexandre Bayen, Laurent El Ghaoui, Shankar
    Sastry. <a
    >Robust feasibility for control of water flow in a canal
    reservoir system</a>, Decision and Control, 2007 46th
    IEEE Conference on,  1571-1577, December, 2007.
  • Plain text
    Saurabh Amin, Alexandre Bayen, Laurent El Ghaoui, Shankar
    Sastry. "Robust feasibility for control of water flow
    in a canal reservoir system". Decision and Control,
    2007 46th IEEE Conference on,  1571-1577, December, 2007.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Saurabh Amin and Alexandre Bayen and Laurent El
                  Ghaoui and Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Robust feasibility for control of water flow in a
                  canal reservoir system},
        booktitle = {Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on},
        pages = { 1571-1577},
        month = {December},
        year = {2007},
        abstract = {A robust control problem for distant downstream
                  control of a reservoir-canal system modeled by
                  Saint-Venant equations is investigated. The
                  problem is to regulate the release of water at the
                  upstream end such that the measured water level
                  (or stage) at the downstream end does not deviate
                  outside of prescribed bounds under the effect of
                  downstream perturbations. Under the assumption of
                  small perturbations, the Saint-Venant model is
                  linearized around a steady state flow. The
                  resulting linear model is discretized to obtain a
                  linear state-space model using a method of
                  characteristics based numerical scheme. For the
                  state space model, the control is the upstream
                  discharge deviation, the disturbance is the
                  downstream discharge deviation and the output is
                  the downstream stage deviation; the deviations are
                  defined with respect to the steady state. The sets
                  of admissible control, disturbance and output
                  trajectories are modeled by polytopes. It is shown
                  that the control problem can be formulated as a
                  robust feasibility problem. Using linear
                  programming duality, conditions for existence of a
                  robustly feasible solution are derived. These
                  conditions, being affine in the control variables,
                  are checked using linear programming. The proposed
                  method is applied to control a typical reservoir-
                  canal system.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/451.html}

Posted by Saurabh Amin on 23 Jun 2008.
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