
Exponential stability of switched hyperbolic systems in a bounded domain
Saurabh Amin, Falk Hante, Alexandre Bayen

Saurabh Amin, Falk Hante, Alexandre Bayen. "Exponential stability of switched hyperbolic systems in a bounded domain". Technical report, UC Berkeley, 2008.

We consider switching in time among a finite family of systems governed by linear hyperbolic partial differential equations on a bounded space interval. The switching system is fairly general in that the space dependent system matrix functions as well as the boundary conditions may switch in time. For the case in which the switching occurs between hyperbolic systems in the canonical diagonal form, we provide two sets of sufficient conditions for the switched system to be exponentially stable under arbitrary switching signals. These results are generalizations of the corresponding results for the un-switched case. Furthermore, we provide an explicit dwell-time bound on the switching signals that guarantee exponential stability of the switched system under the assumption that each of the individual systems are stable. Our results of stability under arbitrary switching generalize to the case in which switching occurs between non-diagonal hyperbolic systems that are diagonalizable using a common transformation. For the case in which no such transformation exists, we prove existence of a dwell-time bound on the switching signals such that exponential stability is guaranteed.

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  • HTML
    Saurabh Amin, Falk Hante, Alexandre Bayen. <a
    ><i>Exponential stability of switched hyperbolic
    systems in a bounded domain</i></a>, Technical
    report,  UC Berkeley, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Saurabh Amin, Falk Hante, Alexandre Bayen. "Exponential
    stability of switched hyperbolic systems in a bounded
    domain". Technical report,  UC Berkeley, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Saurabh Amin and Falk Hante and Alexandre Bayen},
        title = {Exponential stability of switched hyperbolic
                  systems in a bounded domain},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {We consider switching in time among a finite
                  family of systems governed by linear hyperbolic
                  partial differential equations on a bounded space
                  interval. The switching system is fairly general
                  in that the space dependent system matrix
                  functions as well as the boundary conditions may
                  switch in time. For the case in which the
                  switching occurs between hyperbolic systems in the
                  canonical diagonal form, we provide two sets of
                  sufficient conditions for the switched system to
                  be exponentially stable under arbitrary switching
                  signals. These results are generalizations of the
                  corresponding results for the un-switched case.
                  Furthermore, we provide an explicit dwell-time
                  bound on the switching signals that guarantee
                  exponential stability of the switched system under
                  the assumption that each of the individual systems
                  are stable. Our results of stability under
                  arbitrary switching generalize to the case in
                  which switching occurs between non-diagonal
                  hyperbolic systems that are diagonalizable using a
                  common transformation. For the case in which no
                  such transformation exists, we prove existence of
                  a dwell-time bound on the switching signals such
                  that exponential stability is guaranteed. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/454.html}

Posted by Saurabh Amin on 23 Jun 2008.
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