
Toward the Predictable Integration of Real-Time COTS Based Systems
Marco Caccamo

Marco Caccamo. "Toward the Predictable Integration of Real-Time COTS Based Systems". Talk or presentation, 28, October, 2008.

Integration of COTS components in critical real-time systems is challenging. In particular, we show that the interference between cache activity and I/O traffic generated by COTS peripherals can unpredictably slow down a real-time task by up to 44%. To solve this issue, we propose a framework comprised of three main components: 1) an analytical technique that computes safe bounds on the I/O-induced task delay; 2) COTS-compatible devices, the peripheral gate and hardware server, that control peripheral access to the system; 3) a coscheduling algorithm that maximizes the amount of allowed peripheral traffic while guaranteeing all real-time task constraints. We implemented the complete framework on a COTS-based system using PCI peripherals, and we performed extensive experiments to show its feasibility.

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  • HTML
    Marco Caccamo. <a
    ><i>Toward the Predictable Integration of Real-Time
    COTS Based Systems</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  28, October, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Marco Caccamo. "Toward the Predictable Integration of
    Real-Time COTS Based Systems". Talk or presentation, 
    28, October, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Marco Caccamo},
        title = {Toward the Predictable Integration of Real-Time
                  COTS Based Systems},
        day = {28},
        month = {October},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {Integration of COTS components in critical
                  real-time systems is challenging. In particular,
                  we show that the interference between cache
                  activity and I/O traffic generated by COTS
                  peripherals can unpredictably slow down a
                  real-time task by up to 44%. To solve this issue,
                  we propose a framework comprised of three main
                  components: 1) an analytical technique that
                  computes safe bounds on the I/O-induced task
                  delay; 2) COTS-compatible devices, the peripheral
                  gate and hardware server, that control peripheral
                  access to the system; 3) a coscheduling algorithm
                  that maximizes the amount of allowed peripheral
                  traffic while guaranteeing all real-time task
                  constraints. We implemented the complete framework
                  on a COTS-based system using PCI peripherals, and
                  we performed extensive experiments to show its
                  feasibility. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/505.html}

Posted by Hiren Patel on 29 Oct 2008.
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