
Heuristics for Scalable Dynamic Test Generation
Jacob Burnim, Koushik Sen

Jacob Burnim, Koushik Sen. "Heuristics for Scalable Dynamic Test Generation". Automated Software Engineering, 2008. ASE 2008. 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on, 443-446, 15, September, 2008.

Recently there has been great success in using symbolic execution to automatically generate test inputs for small software systems. A primary challenge in scaling such approaches to larger programs is the combinatorial explosion of the path space. It is likely that sophisticated strategies for searching this path space are needed to generate inputs that effectively test large programs (by, e.g., achieving significant branch coverage). We present several such heuristic search strategies, including a novel strategy guided by the control flow graph of the program under test. We have implemented these strategies in CREST, our open source concolic testing tool for C, and evaluated them on two widely-used software tools, grep 2.2 (15K lines of code) and Vim 5.7 (150K lines). On these benchmarks, the presented heuristics achieve significantly greater branch coverage on the same testing budget than concolic testing with a traditional depth-first search strategy.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jacob Burnim, Koushik Sen. <a
    >Heuristics for Scalable Dynamic Test
    Generation</a>, Automated Software Engineering, 2008.
    ASE 2008. 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on,
    443-446, 15, September, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Jacob Burnim, Koushik Sen. "Heuristics for Scalable
    Dynamic Test Generation". Automated Software
    Engineering, 2008. ASE 2008. 23rd IEEE/ACM International
    Conference on, 443-446, 15, September, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jacob Burnim and Koushik Sen},
        title = {Heuristics for Scalable Dynamic Test Generation},
        booktitle = {Automated Software Engineering, 2008. ASE 2008.
                  23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on},
        pages = {443-446},
        day = {15},
        month = {September},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {Recently there has been great success in using
                  symbolic execution to automatically generate test
                  inputs for small software systems. A primary
                  challenge in scaling such approaches to larger
                  programs is the combinatorial explosion of the
                  path space. It is likely that sophisticated
                  strategies for searching this path space are
                  needed to generate inputs that effectively test
                  large programs (by, e.g., achieving significant
                  branch coverage). We present several such
                  heuristic search strategies, including a novel
                  strategy guided by the control flow graph of the
                  program under test. We have implemented these
                  strategies in CREST, our open source concolic
                  testing tool for C, and evaluated them on two
                  widely-used software tools, grep 2.2 (15K lines of
                  code) and Vim 5.7 (150K lines). On these
                  benchmarks, the presented heuristics achieve
                  significantly greater branch coverage on the same
                  testing budget than concolic testing with a
                  traditional depth-first search strategy. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/507.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 18 Nov 2008.
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