
Synchronous Reactive Communication: Generalization Implementation and Optimization
Guoqiang Gerald Wang

Guoqiang Gerald Wang. "Synchronous Reactive Communication: Generalization Implementation and Optimization". Talk or presentation, 9, December, 2008.

Model-based development of embedded real-time software aims at improving quality by enabling design-time verification and simulation and fostering reuse. Model-based design is very popular because of the availability of tools for simulation and formal verification of the system properties. When implementing a high-level model into code it is important to preserve its semantics of the underlying model of computation so to retain the results of the simulation and verification stages. In this talk the challenges associated with implementation of synchronous reactive models are discussed. A platform-based design methodology and implementation framework is presented. Two semantics preserving wait-free communication protocols are introduced and corresponding efficient portable implementations under the OSEK OS standard are provided. Memory optimization under timing constraints is considered. Finally the design flow is completed with automatic code generation support.

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  • HTML
    Guoqiang Gerald Wang. <a
    ><i>Synchronous Reactive Communication:
    Generalization Implementation and
    Optimization</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  9,
    December, 2008.
  • Plain text
    Guoqiang Gerald Wang. "Synchronous Reactive
    Communication: Generalization Implementation and
    Optimization". Talk or presentation,  9, December, 2008.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Guoqiang Gerald Wang},
        title = {Synchronous Reactive Communication: Generalization
                  Implementation and Optimization},
        day = {9},
        month = {December},
        year = {2008},
        abstract = {Model-ba<x>sed development of em<x>bedded
                  real-time software aims at improving quality by
                  enabling design-time verification and simulation
                  and fostering reuse. Model-ba<x>sed design is very
                  popular because of the availability of tools for
                  simulation and formal verification of the system
                  properties. When implementing a high-level model
                  into code it is important to preserve its
                  semantics of the underlying model of computation
                  so to retain the results of the simulation and
                  verification stages. In this talk the challenges
                  associated with implementation of synchronous
                  reactive models are discussed. A platform-ba<x>sed
                  design methodology and implementation fr<x>amework
                  is presented. Two semantics preserving wait-free
                  communication protocols are introduced and
                  corresponding efficient portable implementations
                  under the OSEK OS standard are provided. Memory
                  optimization under timing constraints is
                  considered. Finally the design flow is completed
                  with automatic code generation support.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/515.html}

Posted by Hiren Patel on 16 Jan 2009.
Groups: chess
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