
A model of domain-polymorph component for heterogeneous system design
Mohamed Feredj, Frédéric Boulanger, Aime Mokhoo Mbobi

Mohamed Feredj, Frédéric Boulanger, Aime Mokhoo Mbobi. "A model of domain-polymorph component for heterogeneous system design". Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 82(1):112-120, 2009; The paper discusses an implementation that uses Ptolemy II.


Heterogeneous systems mix different technical domains such as signal processing, analog and digital electronics, software, telecommunication protocols, etc. Heterogeneous systems are composed of subsystems that are designed using different models of computation (MoC). These MoCs are the laws that govern the interactions of the components of a subsystem. The design of heterogeneous systems includes the design of each part of the system according to its specific MoC, and the connection of the parts in order to build the model representing the system. Indeed, this model allows the MoCs that govern different parts of system to coexist and interact.

To be able to use a component which is specified according to a given MoC, under other, different MoCs, we can use either a hierarchical or a non-hierarchical approach, or we can build domain-specific components (DSC). However, these solutions present several disadvantages. This paper presents a new model of component, called domain-polymorph component (DPC). Such a component is atomic and is able to execute its core behavior, specified under a given MoC, under different host MoCs. This approach is not a competitor to the approaches above but is complementary.

Keywords: Heterogeneous embedded systems; Heterogeneous design; Software engineering; Components; Actors

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Mohamed  Feredj, Frédéric
    Boulanger, Aime Mokhoo Mbobi. <a
    >A model of domain-polymorph component for heterogeneous
    system design</a>, <i>Journal of Systems and
    Software (JSS)</i>, 82(1):112-120,  2009; The paper
    discusses an implementation that uses Ptolemy II.
  • Plain text
    Mohamed  Feredj, Frédéric
    Boulanger, Aime Mokhoo Mbobi. "A model of
    domain-polymorph component for heterogeneous system
    design". <i>Journal of Systems and Software
    (JSS)</i>, 82(1):112-120,  2009; The paper discusses
    an implementation that uses Ptolemy II.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mohamed  Feredj and Frédéric Boulanger and Aime
                  Mokhoo Mbobi},
        title = {A model of domain-polymorph component for
                  heterogeneous system design},
        journal = {Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)},
        volume = {82},
        number = {1},
        pages = {112-120},
        year = {2009},
        note = {The paper discusses an implementation that uses
                  Ptolemy II.},
        abstract = {<p>Heterogeneous systems mix different technical
                  domains such as signal processing, analog and
                  digital electronics, software, telecommunication
                  protocols, etc. Heterogeneous systems are composed
                  of subsystems that are designed using different
                  models of computation (MoC). These MoCs are the
                  laws that govern the interactions of the
                  components of a subsystem. The design of
                  heterogeneous systems includes the design of each
                  part of the system according to its specific MoC,
                  and the connection of the parts in order to build
                  the model representing the system. Indeed, this
                  model allows the MoCs that govern different parts
                  of system to coexist and interact.</p> <p>To be
                  able to use a component which is specified
                  according to a given MoC, under other, different
                  MoCs, we can use either a hierarchical or a
                  non-hierarchical approach, or we can build
                  domain-specific components (DSC). However, these
                  solutions present several disadvantages. This
                  paper presents a new model of component, called
                  domain-polymorph component (DPC). Such a component
                  is atomic and is able to execute its core
                  behavior, specified under a given MoC, under
                  different host MoCs. This approach is not a
                  competitor to the approaches above but is
                  complementary.</p> <p>Keywords: Heterogeneous
                  embedded systems; Heterogeneous design; Software
                  engineering; Components; Actors</p> },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/519.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 26 Jan 2009.
Groups: ptolemy
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