
Execution Strategies for PTIDES, a Programming Model for Distributed Embedded Systems
Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee, Thomas Huining Feng, Patricia Derler

Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee, Thomas Huining Feng, Patricia Derler. "Execution Strategies for PTIDES, a Programming Model for Distributed Embedded Systems". 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2009, IEEE Computer Society, 77-86, April, 2009; The published version can also be found at: http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/RTAS.2009.39.

We define a family of execution policies for a programming model called PTIDES (Programming Temporally Integrated Distributed Embedded Systems). A PTIDES application (factory automation, for example) is given as a discrete-event(DE) model of a distributed real-time system that includes sensors and actuators. The time stamps of DE events are bound to physical time at the sensors and actuators, turning the DE model into an executable specification of the system with explicit real-time constraints. This paper first defines a general execution strategy that conforms to the DE semantics, and then specializes this strategy to give practical, implementable and distributed policies. Our policies leverage network time synchronization to eliminate the need for null messages, allow independent events to be processed out of time stamp order, thus increasing concurrency and making more models feasible (w.r.t. real-time constraints), and improve fault isolation in distributed systems. The policies are given in terms of a safe to process predicate on events that depends on the time stamp of the events and the local notion of physical time. In a simple case we show how to statically check whether program execution satisfies timing constraints.

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  • HTML
    Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee, Thomas Huining Feng,
    Patricia Derler. <a
    Strategies for PTIDES, a Programming Model for Distributed
    Embedded Systems</a>, 15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded
    Technology and Applications Symposium, 2009, IEEE Computer
    Society, 77-86, April, 2009; The published version can also
    be found at: <a
  • Plain text
    Jia Zou, Slobodan Matic, Edward A. Lee, Thomas Huining Feng,
    Patricia Derler. "Execution Strategies for PTIDES, a
    Programming Model for Distributed Embedded Systems".
    15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
    Symposium, 2009, IEEE Computer Society, 77-86, April, 2009;
    The published version can also be found at: <a
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jia Zou and Slobodan Matic and Edward A. Lee and
                  Thomas Huining Feng and Patricia Derler},
        title = {Execution Strategies for PTIDES, a Programming
                  Model for Distributed Embedded Systems},
        booktitle = {15th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
                  Applications Symposium, 2009},
        organization = {IEEE Computer Society},
        pages = {77-86},
        month = {April},
        year = {2009},
        note = {The published version can also be found at: <a
        abstract = {We define a family of execution policies for a
                  programming model called PTIDES (Programming
                  Temporally Integrated Distributed Embedded
                  Systems). A PTIDES application (factory
                  automation, for example) is given as a
                  discrete-event(DE) model of a distributed
                  real-time system that includes sensors and
                  actuators. The time stamps of DE events are bound
                  to physical time at the sensors and actuators,
                  turning the DE model into an executable
                  specification of the system with explicit
                  real-time constraints. This paper first defines a
                  general execution strategy that conforms to the DE
                  semantics, and then specializes this strategy to
                  give practical, implementable and distributed
                  policies. Our policies leverage network time
                  synchronization to eliminate the need for null
                  messages, allow independent events to be processed
                  out of time stamp order, thus increasing
                  concurrency and making more models feasible
                  (w.r.t. real-time constraints), and improve fault
                  isolation in distributed systems. The policies are
                  given in terms of a safe to process predicate on
                  events that depends on the time stamp of the
                  events and the local notion of physical time. In a
                  simple case we show how to statically check
                  whether program execution satisfies timing
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/529.html}

Posted by Jia Zou on 17 Feb 2009.
Groups: ptides
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