
Graph-theoretic topological control of biological genetic networks
Anil Aswani, Nicholas Boyd, Claire Tomlin

Anil Aswani, Nicholas Boyd, Claire Tomlin. "Graph-theoretic topological control of biological genetic networks". ACC 2009, 1700–1705, 10, June, 2009.

The control of biological genetic networks is an important problem. If the system is abstracted into a graph, then the affect of drugs, pharmaceuticals, and gene therapy can be abstracted as changing the topology of the graph. We consider the control objective of removing the stable oscillations of the genetic network. This control is done using several theorems relating the topology of the network to the dynamics of the system. These theorems suggest that the controller should remove all the negative feedback in the networks.We prove that the problem of minimizing the edges and vertices to remove, in order to remove negative feedback, is NP-hard. In light of this result, a heuristic algorithm to solve this graph problem is presented. The algorithm is applied to several genetic networks, and it is shown that the heuristic gives reasonable results. Additionally, we consider the p53 network and show that the algorithm gives biologically relevant results.

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  • HTML
    Anil Aswani, Nicholas Boyd, Claire Tomlin. <a
    >Graph-theoretic topological control of biological
    genetic networks</a>, ACC 2009, 1700–1705, 10,
    June, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Anil Aswani, Nicholas Boyd, Claire Tomlin.
    "Graph-theoretic topological control of biological
    genetic networks". ACC 2009, 1700–1705, 10,
    June, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Anil Aswani and Nicholas Boyd and Claire Tomlin},
        title = {Graph-theoretic topological control of biological
                  genetic networks},
        booktitle = {ACC 2009},
        pages = {1700–1705},
        day = {10},
        month = {June},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {The control of biological genetic networks is an
                  important problem. If the system is abstracted
                  into a graph, then the affect of drugs,
                  pharmaceuticals, and gene therapy can be
                  abstracted as changing the topology of the graph.
                  We consider the control objective of removing the
                  stable oscillations of the genetic network. This
                  control is done using several theorems relating
                  the topology of the network to the dynamics of the
                  system. These theorems suggest that the controller
                  should remove all the negative feedback in the
                  networks.We prove that the problem of minimizing
                  the edges and vertices to remove, in order to
                  remove negative feedback, is NP-hard. In light of
                  this result, a heuristic algorithm to solve this
                  graph problem is presented. The algorithm is
                  applied to several genetic networks, and it is
                  shown that the heuristic gives reasonable results.
                  Additionally, we consider the p53 network and show
                  that the algorithm gives biologically relevant
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/605.html}

Posted by Anil Aswani on 17 Jun 2009.
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