
Compositionality in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular Code Generation from Hierarchical SDF Graphs
Stavros Tripakis, Dai Bui, Bert Rodiers, Edward A. Lee

Stavros Tripakis, Dai Bui, Bert Rodiers, Edward A. Lee. "Compositionality in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular Code Generation from Hierarchical SDF Graphs". Technical report, UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2009-143, October, 2009; Superceded by http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2010/EECS-2010-52.html.

Hierarchical SDF models are not compositional: a composite SDF actor cannot be represented as an atomic SDF actor without loss of information that can lead to deadlocks. Motivated by the need for incremental and modular code generation from hierarchical SDF models, we introduce in this paper DSSF profiles. This model forms a compositional abstraction of composite actors that can be used for modular compilation. We provide algorithms for automatic synthesis of non-monolithic DSSF profiles of composite actors given DSSF profiles of their sub-actors. We show how different tradeoffs can be explored when synthesizing such profiles, in terms of modularity (keeping the size of the generated DSSF profile small) versus reusability (preserving information necessary to avoid deadlocks) as well as algorithmic complexity. We show that our method guarantees maximal reusability and report on a prototype implementation.

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  • HTML
    Stavros Tripakis, Dai Bui, Bert Rodiers, Edward A. Lee.
    in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular Code Generation from
    Hierarchical SDF Graphs</i></a>, Technical
    report,  UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2009-143, October, 2009;
    Superceded by <a
  • Plain text
    Stavros Tripakis, Dai Bui, Bert Rodiers, Edward A. Lee.
    "Compositionality in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular
    Code Generation from Hierarchical SDF Graphs".
    Technical report,  UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2009-143, October,
    2009; Superceded by <a
  • BibTeX
        author = {Stavros Tripakis and Dai Bui and Bert Rodiers and
                  Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Compositionality in Synchronous Data Flow: Modular
                  Code Generation from Hierarchical SDF Graphs},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/EECS-2009-143},
        month = {October},
        year = {2009},
        note = {Superceded by <a
        abstract = {Hierarchical SDF models are not compositional: a
                  composite SDF actor cannot be represented as an
                  atomic SDF actor without loss of information that
                  can lead to deadlocks. Motivated by the need for
                  incremental and modular code generation from
                  hierarchical SDF models, we introduce in this
                  paper DSSF profiles. This model forms a
                  compositional abstraction of composite actors that
                  can be used for modular compilation. We provide
                  algorithms for automatic synthesis of
                  non-monolithic DSSF profiles of composite actors
                  given DSSF profiles of their sub-actors. We show
                  how different tradeoffs can be explored when
                  synthesizing such profiles, in terms of modularity
                  (keeping the size of the generated DSSF profile
                  small) versus reusability (preserving information
                  necessary to avoid deadlocks) as well as
                  algorithmic complexity. We show that our method
                  guarantees maximal reusability and report on a
                  prototype implementation.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/617.html}

Posted by Stavros Tripakis on 20 Oct 2009.
Groups: ptolemy
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