
Finite State Machines and Modal Models in Ptolemy II
Edward A. Lee

Edward A. Lee. "Finite State Machines and Modal Models in Ptolemy II". Technical report, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2009-151, December, 2009.

This report describes the usage and semantics of finite-state machines (FSMs) and modal models in Ptolemy II. FSMs are actors whose behavior is described using a finite set of states and transitions between the states. The transitions between the states are enabled by guards, which are boolean-valued expressions that can reference inputs to the actor and parameters in scope. The transitions can produce outputs and can update the value of parameters in scope. Modal models extend FSMs by allowing states to have refinements, which are hierarchical Ptolemy II models. The refinements may themselves be FSMs, modal models, or any composite actor containing a director compatible with the domain in which the modal model is being used. This report describes the operational semantics, the practical usage, and the semantics of time in modal models.

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  • HTML
    Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i>Finite State Machines and Modal Models in
    Ptolemy II</i></a>, Technical report,  EECS
    Department, University of California, Berkeley,
    UCB/EECS-2009-151, December, 2009.
  • Plain text
    Edward A. Lee. "Finite State Machines and Modal Models
    in Ptolemy II". Technical report,  EECS Department,
    University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2009-151,
    December, 2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Edward A. Lee},
        title = {Finite State Machines and Modal Models in Ptolemy
        institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/EECS-2009-151},
        month = {December},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = {This report describes the usage and semantics of
                  finite-state machines (FSMs) and modal models in
                  Ptolemy II. FSMs are actors whose behavior is
                  described using a finite set of states and
                  transitions between the states. The transitions
                  between the states are enabled by guards, which
                  are boolean-valued expressions that can reference
                  inputs to the actor and parameters in scope. The
                  transitions can produce outputs and can update the
                  value of parameters in scope. Modal models extend
                  FSMs by allowing states to have refinements, which
                  are hierarchical Ptolemy II models. The
                  refinements may themselves be FSMs, modal models,
                  or any composite actor containing a director
                  compatible with the domain in which the modal
                  model is being used. This report describes the
                  operational semantics, the practical usage, and
                  the semantics of time in modal models.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/656.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 11 Feb 2010.
Groups: ptolemy
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