
Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded Systems
Stefan Resmerita, Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee

Stefan Resmerita, Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee. "Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded Systems". Technical report, UC Berkeley, EECS-2010-38, April, 2010.

This paper describes a modeling formalism that specifically addresses description and performance analysis of simulators for legacy real-time embedded systems. The proposed framework includes the original software application as a component whose simulation is supervised by an execution controller. Simulation of the legacy system is achieved by controlling the execution of the application code on a host platform, together with a legacy platform model, in closed-loop with the plant model. The control objective is to simulate the behavior of the real time embedded system, including the effects of platform artifacts such as execution times and scheduling (in particular, preemption), as well as the interaction with the continuous-time behavior of the plant.

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  • HTML
    Stefan Resmerita, Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee. <a
    ><i>Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded
    Systems</i></a>, Technical report,  UC Berkeley,
    EECS-2010-38, April, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Stefan Resmerita, Patricia Derler, Edward A. Lee.
    "Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded
    Systems". Technical report,  UC Berkeley, EECS-2010-38,
    April, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Stefan Resmerita and Patricia Derler and Edward A.
        title = {Modeling and Simulation of Legacy Embedded Systems},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {EECS-2010-38},
        month = {April},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {This paper describes a modeling formalism that
                  specifically addresses description and performance
                  analysis of simulators for legacy real-time
                  embedded systems. The proposed framework includes
                  the original software application as a component
                  whose simulation is supervised by an execution
                  controller. Simulation of the legacy system is
                  achieved by controlling the execution of the
                  application code on a host platform, together with
                  a legacy platform model, in closed-loop with the
                  plant model. The control objective is to simulate
                  the behavior of the real time embedded system,
                  including the effects of platform artifacts such
                  as execution times and scheduling (in particular,
                  preemption), as well as the interaction with the
                  continuous-time behavior of the plant.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/664.html}

Posted by Mary Stewart on 8 Apr 2010.
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