
Verifying Hierarchical Ptolemy II Discrete-Event Models using Real-Time Maude
Kyungmin Bae, Peter Olveczky, Thomas Huining Feng, Edward A. Lee, Stavros Tripakis

Kyungmin Bae, Peter Olveczky, Thomas Huining Feng, Edward A. Lee, Stavros Tripakis. "Verifying Hierarchical Ptolemy II Discrete-Event Models using Real-Time Maude". Technical report, UC Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2010-50, May, 2010.

This paper defines a real-time rewriting logic semantics for a significant subset of Ptolemy II discrete-event models. This is a challenging task, since such models combine a synchronous fixed-point semantics with hierarchical structure, explicit time, and a rich expression language. The code generation features of Ptolemy II have been leveraged to automatically synthesize a Real-Time Maude verification model from a Ptolemy II design model, and to integrate Real-Time Maude verification of the synthesized model into Ptolemy II. This enables a model-engineering process that combines the convenience of Ptolemy II DE modeling and simulation with formal verification in Real-Time Maude. We illustrate such formal verification of Ptolemy II models with three case studies.

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  • HTML
    Kyungmin  Bae, Peter Olveczky, Thomas Huining Feng, Edward
    A. Lee, Stavros Tripakis. <a
    ><i>Verifying Hierarchical Ptolemy II
    Discrete-Event Models using Real-Time
    Maude</i></a>, Technical report,  UC Berkeley,
    UCB/EECS-2010-50, May, 2010.
  • Plain text
    Kyungmin  Bae, Peter Olveczky, Thomas Huining Feng, Edward
    A. Lee, Stavros Tripakis. "Verifying Hierarchical
    Ptolemy II Discrete-Event Models using Real-Time
    Maude". Technical report,  UC Berkeley,
    UCB/EECS-2010-50, May, 2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Kyungmin  Bae and Peter Olveczky and Thomas
                  Huining Feng and Edward A. Lee and Stavros Tripakis},
        title = {Verifying Hierarchical Ptolemy II Discrete-Event
                  Models using Real-Time Maude},
        institution = {UC Berkeley},
        number = {UCB/EECS-2010-50},
        month = {May},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {This paper defines a real-time rewriting logic
                  semantics for a significant subset of Ptolemy II
                  discrete-event models. This is a challenging task,
                  since such models combine a synchronous
                  fixed-point semantics with hierarchical structure,
                  explicit time, and a rich expression language. The
                  code generation features of Ptolemy II have been
                  leveraged to automatically synthesize a Real-Time
                  Maude verification model from a Ptolemy II design
                  model, and to integrate Real-Time Maude
                  verification of the synthesized model into Ptolemy
                  II. This enables a model-engineering process that
                  combines the convenience of Ptolemy II DE modeling
                  and simulation with formal verification in
                  Real-Time Maude. We illustrate such formal
                  verification of Ptolemy II models with three case
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/667.html}

Posted by Stavros Tripakis on 6 May 2010.
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